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..._ <br />n- <br />,s> -t`i a��`�� � <br />-'`'��:�>_z-':.;1 <br />TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM <br />TO: <br />FRUM: <br />RE: <br />DATE: <br />Wenck Associates, Inc. <br />7600 Plorwcr Creek Ctr. <br />P.O. Box 249 <br />N.aple Plain, MN 55359-02q9 <br />17631479-4200 <br />FaK �763) 479-q242 <br />E-malt: wenckmp�wenck,com <br />Kent Peterson <br />8ituminous Roadways <br />Edward Terhaar, P,E. <br />Wenck Associates, Inc. <br />Opinion of Edward Terhaar, P.E. on Traffic Impacts Associated with the <br />Proposed Bituminous Roadways Asphalt Plant in Roseville, MN <br />October 8, 2010 <br />The traffic information presented in the EA W was reviewed relative to comments <br />reccived. As shown in the EAW, the proposed project is expected to generate 594 trips <br />per day under standard operations and 674 trips per day under maximum operations. The <br />number of trips generated is based on asphait production at the plant and is not based on <br />operating hours. The maximum amount �f asphalt production at the proposed plant would <br />be 5,000 tons per day white the standai�d operating conditions would produce 2,500 to <br />3,000 tons per day. The daily trip estimates account for trucks, employees, and vendors <br />that would access the site during a 24 hour period to meet the production needs of tl�e <br />proposed project. However, the proposed project would not typically operate for a <br />contintious 24 hour period, but would instead operate for 14 hours from 6 am to 8 pm <br />under normal conditions. As a result, the maximum possible traffic impacts potentially <br />created by the proposed project wouid be the production of the maximum af 5,000 tons of <br />asphalt per day within the normall4 hour work day. This scenario would entail the largest <br />amount of trucks entering and leaving the project site in the shortest poteniial operational <br />scenario. <br />During the weekday a.m. peAk hour, the project is expected to generate 5 employee trips, <br />47 truck trips, and 4 vendor trips during maximum asphalt production. This equates to 56 <br />trips during the weekday a.m. peak hour. During the �veekday p,m. peak hour, the project <br />is expected to generate 5 cmployee trips, 46 truck trips, and 4 vendor trips. This equates <br />to 55 trips during the weekday p.m. peak hour. <br />As stated within the EAW under the Question 21 heading, a Traffc 1►npact Study is <br />required if the peak hour traffic generation exceeds 250 trips or if the daify generation <br />exceeds 2,�00 trips. As sho�vn above, both the hourly and the daily ma�imum trip <br />generation numbers are belotiv the identified thresholds and therefore a Traffic Impact <br />Study is not required. <br />�.. <br />�..► <br />.�' �Trrl�nicelu7a25-IAtuminous R111 700a Roxwlle Cif�tr�c data?Tr�IFc commems t<spew��e 10� 8-^.010.1C�4-3c <br />�� <br />