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._. <br />� <br />According to die EAW, the es[imated odors at the NE corner of the properry line woufd be � <br />21.54 ug/m� (16ppb), and both the golf course and nearest residence would be over Zppb <br />(Table 11. pg• 29)'• lluke Universiry scientists have discovered that people who live or work <br />around foul odors often become depressed and irritable, given that the olfactory region of the <br />brain is closely linked to the limbic system, the area that governs emotions (Schiffman, S.S. & <br />Nagle, H.T. Effect of enviromnenta] pollutants on taste and smeli. O[olaryngology - Head & <br />Neck Surgery 106: 693-700, 1992). Hydrogen sulfide is most certainly a foul odor. <br />The North Carolina Division of Air Qualiry Science Advisory Board reported that "symptoms <br />such as headache, nausea and eye and throat irritation" are found in communities with <br />ambient levels "as low as 7 to 10 ppb" associated with periodic fluctuations at higher levels <br />(JJH 10/"L/01). The odor estimated at the property ]ine is nearly double that at 16 ppb. <br />Additionally, researchers investigating the adverse health effects from chronic, low-level <br />exposure to hydrogen sulfide (as ]ow as an annual average of 7-27 ppb) found that exposed <br />residents experienced detrimental health affects to the central nervous system, respiratory <br />system, and circulatoiy (blood) system significantly greater than those not exposed (Legator, <br />M.S., Singleton, C. R., Morris, U. L., Philips, D. L.. Health Effects fr-om Chronic Low-Level Exposure <br />to Hydrogen Sulfide. Archives of Environmental Health, Mar/Apr 2001, VoL 56 Issue 2, p123). <br />lM1�ith regard to economic impact, the concerns expressed by residents and businesses (Old <br />Dutch, Gross National Golf Course, Midland Hills Golf Course, and many olhers) about the <br />impact of these noxious odors in our community are backed by sound technical kno�vledge <br />and research. For instance, although real estate research studies are dif�culty to come by, � <br />there is research in North Carolina indicating that property values diminished by as much as <br />56% and as far away as 3,200 feet from the plan[ (Pincola Propert,v Study). This points to <br />some substantiated concerns about the economic welf'are of Roseville. <br />Anecdotatly, on a summer Saturday evening at 8pm when the plant was not operating , 1 spoke <br />witl� a homeowner who lives across the street from Bituminous Roadways' Minneapolis <br />asphalt plant. Although [ could smell the rotten egg odor clearly at this time, his whole family <br />was relaxing outside, because, he said, they con never do this on a weekday. (1 was amazed they <br />were even outside then.) He said they close thcir doors and windows when the plant is <br />operating and do not play outdoors unti] weekends when it is not operating. He also <br />mentioi�ed that he signed his home purchasing papers on a Sunday, prior to ever knowing the <br />extent of the odors on a weekday, and was then locked into the deal. An unfortunate <br />circumstance for him and his family. <br />] believe it is clear that hydrogen sul6de would constitute a noxious odor that causes <br />detriment to physical, psychological, and economic well-being. <br />i Noce that I converted figures from ug/m3 to pph using the standard calculation - MolWeight' ppb = 24.45' ug/m3 - since <br />most of thc research uses ppb uniu. See calculations a[ [he end of this lettcr. <br />`/ <br />