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� <br />• <br />l�� <br />� � <br />Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jacobus, <br />I briefly discussed your rain garden plan with the City Engineer. Because part of the intent of the storm <br />water mitigation requirement is to prevent rain water runoff generated by excess impervious coverage <br />from over-burdening the City's storm sewer infrastructure, I learned that your proposal to utilize the <br />existing storm drain as part of the rain garden will not be acceptable. Nevertheless, we can proceed with <br />your application, and a revised rain garden plan may be submitted prior to the approval of your <br />Administrative Deviation. When I calculated the impervious coverage on your survey, I found that your <br />proposal exceeds the permitted 30% by 500 square feet instead of the 400 square feet you reported; if you <br />feel that I've reached the wrong total, please show me your calculations. In the Administrative Deviation <br />application materials you'll find some information about the Ramsey Conservation District (RCD); they <br />have staff available to provide the free service of designing rain gardens. To ensure that your rain garden <br />will adequately accommodate the runoff from 500 square feet of impervious surface area without utilizing <br />the storm drain, you might consider contacting RCD for additional help. <br />Your neighbors at 2061 and 2064 Chatsworth Court, 944 Parker Avenue, and 1019, 1023, and 1027 <br />Shryer Avenue will receive a copy of the letter below notifying them of your plans to increase the <br />impervious coverage on your property beyond the standard limit of the City Code, and inviting them to <br />participate in the public process of commenting on your proposal. In case you haven't already spoken <br />with these neighbors about your plans, we encourage applicants to do so. If we receive letters, phone <br />calls, or emails from each of these households in support of your proposal, the required 10-day appeal <br />period following the decision of the Community Development Director will be eliminated; if the <br />Administrative Deviation is approved, the building inspector may then issue the necessary driveway <br />permit as soon as it has been approved. You are encouraged to attend the hearing, but it is not <br />required. <br />You are invited to attend and participate in an Administrative Deviation hearing on Thursday, <br />September 3, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. in the Roseville City Hall Hawthorne Room — in the lower <br />level, adjacent to the Engineering Department. <br />Dan and Denise Jacobus, owners of 2060 Chatsworth Court, seek approval of a deviation from <br />the maximum impervious coverage (i.e., building footprints and driveways) on a residential <br />property to accommodate the proposed plans for the new home and driveway. <br />The Administrative Deviation process allows nearby property owners to comment on the <br />proposal in writing and/or at the meeting. Should you have any comments or questions about this <br />application, please feel free to email me at br a�vd(�a, or call me at 651-792- <br />7073 or attend the administrative hearing on Thursday, September 3rd at 3:00 p.m. <br />Enclosed for your information is a copy of the proposed site plan. If the Administrative <br />Deviation request is approved, the building permit can be issued ten (10) days after the decision <br />unless an appeal is filed before then. <br />Sincerely, <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />Associate City Planner <br />City of Roseville Community Development Department <br />2660 Civic Center Drive ❖ Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-7005 ❖ <br />