<br />5.5 The City Planner has concluded that the following review is necessary to adequately
<br />assess the existing/proposed impacts on the subject site:
<br />5.6 Plan Consistency. When reviewing applications to rezone land, the Community
<br />Development Staff first determines whether the anticipated use and subsequent zoning
<br />district designations are consistent with the Roseville Comprehensive Plan. In the case of
<br />the subject request and more specifically the desires of the Community Development
<br />Department, the City Planner has concluded that the existing/previous uses such as office,
<br />restaurant, fitness center, hair salon and a gas/convenience store are uses consistent with a
<br />Comprehensive Plan land use map designation of Business (B). The City Planner has
<br />also concluded that future use of tenant spaces within the strip center for
<br />antiques/handicrafts/gifts, art/art supply, auto rental/leasing (office), bakeries,
<br />bank/financial institution, barber, beauty parlor, bike sales/repair, book/stationary,
<br />business school, camera, candy, carpet/flooring, china/glassware, club/lodge, convenience
<br />store cultural institution, dairy product, daycare center including adult, drug store, dry
<br />cleaning, employment agency, florist, frozen food/locker, fuel sales, furniture, hardware,
<br />grocery, health & fitness club, interior decorating, jewelry, laboratories/medical/dental
<br />research, laundromat, leather goods, lighting, linenldraperies, liquor off-sale, loan office,
<br />locksmith, masseurs/massage, meat market, medical/dental/optometrisUchiropractic,
<br />music instrument sales/repair, office supply, office business/professional, paint/wallpaper,
<br />pet and pet supply store, photocopying (Insty-Prints/Kinko's), photography, picture
<br />framing, private cultural institutions, public uses, restaurants — Class I, II, III, IV, VI,
<br />retail sales, school of music/dance, sewing machine sales/service, shoe, sporting goods,
<br />television, theater, tobacco, toy, travel agency, used vehicle dealer (maximum 5 vehicles),
<br />veterinary clinic, are uses that are compatible with a Comprehensive Land Use Map
<br />designation of Business (B).
<br />5.7 Compatible Zoning District and Use. Staff has determined that the 16,830 sq. ft.
<br />(approximate) multi-tenant structure, built in 1979 and valued at $1.2 million by the
<br />Ramsey County Assessor, housing a current tenant mix including the corporate offices of
<br />ACR Homes, Salon Chaveux, Farmers Insurance, a music store and Panino's restaurant,
<br />are uses best located in the B-2, Retail Business District. It should be noted that the
<br />original approval in 1987 supported a gas/convenience store and the Powerhouse Gym
<br />was also an allowed tenant — both are compatible uses in a B-2 zone
<br />5.8 Existing Traffic and Utility Capacity. The current proposal (to include an adult
<br />daycare) will not change or intensi current activities or uses. However, the addition of
<br />other uses con is stent with the B-2 zone may increase traffic on surrounding roadways,
<br />specifically Rice Street and County Road B2. The anticipated increase will be nominal.
<br />However, through the PUD Agreement those uses with the potential to intensify traf�ic
<br />and on-site parking demand will be prohibited — these uses include hotel, hospital, garden
<br />center, motor vehicle dealer, and warehousing/distribution. There is currently adequate
<br />water and sanitary sewer capacities to support current and anticipated uses within the
<br />structure.
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