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PF3000 - PF3801
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AUAR purposes should be included. <br />17. Water Quality-stormwater runoff. For an AUAR the following additional guidance <br />should be followed in addition to that in "EAW Guidelines": <br />-it is eXpected that an AUAR will have a detailed analysis of stormwater issues; <br />-a map of the proposed stormwater management system and of the water bodies that will <br />receive stormwater should be provided; <br />-the description of the stormwater systems would identify on-site and "regional" <br />detention ponding and also indicate whether the various ponds will be new water bodies <br />or converted existing ponds or wetlands. Where on-site ponds will be used but have not <br />yet been designed, the discussion should indicate the design standards that will be <br />followed. <br />-if present in or adjoining the AUAR area, the following types of water bodies must be <br />given special analyses: <br />-lakes: within the Twin Cities metro area a nutrient budget analysis must be <br />prepared for any "priority lake" identified by the Metropolitan Council. Outside of the <br />metro area, lakes needing a nutrient budget analysis must be determined by consultation <br />with the MPCA and DNR staffs; <br />-trout streams: if stormwater discharges will enter or affect a trout stream an <br />evaluation of the impacts on the chemical composition and temperature regime of the <br />stream and the consequent impacts on the trout population (and other species of <br />concern) must be included; <br />18. Water Quality-Wastewater. Observe the following points of guidance in an AUAR: <br />-only domestic wastewater should be considered in an AUAR—industrial wastewater <br />would be coming from industrial uses that are excluded from review through an AUAR <br />process; <br />-wastewater flows should be estimated by land use subareas of the AUAR area; the basis <br />of flow estimates should be explained; <br />-the major sewer system features should be shown on a map and the expected flows <br />should be identified; <br />-if not explained under item 6, the expected staging of the sewer system construction <br />should be described; <br />-the relationship of the sewer system extension to the RGU's comprehensive sewer plan <br />and (for metro area AUARs) to Metropolitan Council regional systems plans, including <br />MUSA expansions, should be discussed. For non-metro area AUARs, the AUAR must <br />discuss the capacity of the RGU's wastewater treatment system compared to the flows <br />from the AUAR area; any necessary improvements should be described; <br />-if on-site systems will serve part of the AUAR the guidance in "EAW Guidelines" <br />(pages 16-17) should be followed. <br />19. Geologic hazards and soil conditions. A map should be included to show any <br />groundwater hazards identified. A standard soils map for the area should be included. <br />20. Solid wastes; hazardous wastes; storage tanks. Far a, generally only the estimated <br />total quantity of municipal solid waste generated and information about any recycling or <br />source separation programs of the RGU need to be included. No response is necessary <br />� <br />
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