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4.0 REVIEW of REQUEST: <br />t /� <br />4.1 JW Moore seeks to recombine the previously-platted lots east of Reservoir Woods and <br />south of South McCarrons Boulevard on Woodruff Avenue. Seven of the existing 8 lots <br />measure about 50 feet in width and 150 feet in depth (about 7,500 square feet); the eighth <br />lot is irregular in shape, adjacent to a curve on Woodruff Avenue, and has an area of <br />about 9,300 square feet. The proposal would re-plat these lots into 4 Code-coinpliant <br />single-family residential lots with a publicly dedicated cul-de-sac street. <br />4.2 In order to facilitate this proposal, the applicant is requesting that the City vacate both an <br />undeveloped portion of Chandler Avenue, which lies along the western edge of the <br />project site, and an existing sanitary sewer easement; the sanitary sewer line would be <br />relocated and an appropriate easement would be reestablished. <br />4.3 The property has a Comprehensive Land Use designation of "LR", Low Density <br />Residential, is located within Planning District 8, and has a zoning designation of "R-1", <br />Single Family Residence District. <br />4.4 The proposal calls for one lot to front along Woodruff Avenue and three lots to front <br />along the new public cul-de-sac street. <br />4.5 Each of the proposed lots meets or exceeds the requirements of the City Code regarding <br />length, width, size and required set back. <br />WIDTH DEPTH SIZE SETBACK <br />City Code 85 feet ll0 feet 11,000 sq. ft. 30 feet <br />corner lot 100 feet 100 feet 12,500 sq. ft. 30 feet <br />Lot 1(corner) 226 feet 135 feet 22,486 sq. ft. 30 feet <br />Lot 2 90 feet 135/141 feet 12,452 sq. ft. 30 feet <br />Lot 3 90 feet 141/148 feet 13,063 sq. ft. 30 feet <br />Lot 4 100 feet 100 feet 15,228 sq. ft. 30 feet <br />4.6 City Staff has reviewed the submitted plans (i.e., utility, grading, and drainage) and <br />supports the size and location of all utilities proposed, supports the preliminary street <br />design, and supports the preliminary grading/drainage plan. Additional design work and <br />approval by the Capital Regions Watershed and the City Engineer is still required. <br />5.0 REVIEW of VACATIONS: <br />5.1 The applicant has requested that the City support the VACATION of an existing sanitary <br />sewer easement (and the subsequent relocation and establishment of a new easement) that <br />runs through the northern portion of six of the eight existing lots. The applicant has also <br />requested the VACATION of the existing, undeveloped right-of-way for Chandler <br />Avenue adjacent to Lot 14, Block 4, Rolling Green. <br />PF3759 RPCA_090606 Page 2 of 4 <br />