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, � <br />Jcptcmlicr 25, `?l1(1O <br />Mr Stcve Sarko>> <br />City Managcr <br />The City of Rosevillc <br />2660 Civic Center Dri��c <br />R��sc�-illc, I��tN 55113 <br />l�car \Ii �ark��i��: <br />The intent of this letter is t�> inf��rm �•<ni c�f an issuc in �>ur nci�;hb�n•h�x>cl anci t��� initiare a <br />process tc� rc.�ch resoluticm. <br />History <br />"l�hc thrcc hc�nico�ti'ncrs notccl bclow all pw-chascd lots and l�uilt homcs in dic (hvass<� I-Iills <br />ncighborhood in Roseville. We all live along the western side of Owasso Hills I3bd and oiir <br />back yards are adjacent to the oudot area with ponds and wedands. At the timc the lots �vcrc <br />sciccted and sold, thc oudot arca consistcd of two distinct ponds and a dcfincd wcdancl arca <br />lush �vith natural grasses, wildtlowers and ttees. Even with the back yards being stecJ�l�� <br />pitched and largely unusable, thc lots were sold at a premium because c>f r_hcir 1<�cati��n <br />rclative to nc� c�urlot arca. <br />The Issue <br />"l�he ponds ancl wcdancls wcrc <>li�-i�>usly cicsi�nc�i t�� c�itch s����rm sc��-cr run��ff f�����t�� thc <br />ncighborhood. It is also obvious that there were some mistakes in thc dcsi},m and/or <br />implementation. Over the past 3 years, the water entering the area has continually e�:cecctccl <br />the capacity of the southernmost pond and flooded the "wedands" area. `1 his continual <br />flooding has l:illed most of the natural landscaping. Even more disturbing, over 20 trecs <br />ha��c dicd including scvcral largc, maturc trccs. "1'hc watcr lcvcl continually Fluctuatcs in thc <br />"�vcdands area. Whcn it occasionally dries uj�, what is iefr. is a very unsightly ancl <br />unappcaling mud pit. Wc arc ccrtain this was not the ori�inal intcnt for this arca. Wc arc <br />also ccrtain that this ���as n�>t thc cc�nccj�t that �cas markctccl c>r sc>icl ���hci� �vc scicctcd ancl <br />�urchasccl �>ur l��ts. <br />Next Steps <br />\Y�c arc looking for a solutic�n. "1'he currcnt systcm is not �vorking anci c�tcnsivc �lama�;c ha� <br />bccn incurred. Wc fecl, however, that a resolurion is attainable. A solution will likel�� im-c�l��e <br />nc��- calculations rc�;ardin�; run�ff, }�ond size, rctcntion, ctc and a diffcrcnt landsca�ing <br />schcme, but it is attainat�lc. <br />