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PF3000 - PF3801
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5/28/2014 1:09:05 PM
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7/8/2013 10:36:37 AM
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Division of Land
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5.3 In review of the proposal, the City Planner has concluded that the proposed sketch plan <br />(attached) will meet all requirements of City Code pertaining to single family residential <br />lots/parcels. <br />5.4 Specifically, § 1004.016 (Residential Dimensional Requirements) establishes the <br />minimum lot standards for residential parcels, which includes: A minimum INTERIOR <br />LOT width of 85 feet along a public right-of-way; a 110 foot minimum depth; and <br />minimum 1 size of 11,000 sq. ft. On a CORNER LOT the width and depth are both 100 <br />feet along the public street, and the minimum lot size is 12,500 sq. ft. The Stafne <br />proposal seeks to create a corner lot 129.6 feet along Rice Street, 130 feet along <br />Woodlynn Avenue, and 16,848 sq. ft. in size, while the new parcel would be 100 feet <br />along Woodlyn, 129.6 feet in depth, and 11,196 sq. ft. <br />Parcel Estimated Size Fronta e De th of Parcel <br />A(Home) 16,848 s. ft. 130 feet on Woodl nn 129.6 feet on Rice <br />B 11,196 100 feet on Woodl nn 129.6 feet <br />5.5 City Code § 1004.01 A6 (Maximum Total Surface Area) limits all single and two family <br />residential lots/parcels to a maximum total impervious coverage of 30% of the respective <br />lot/parcel. In the case of the proposed MINOR SUBDIVISION, Parcel "A" would be <br />limited to just over 5,000 sq. ft. The City Planner has estimated the impervious coverage <br />would be near the 3,000 sq. ft. upon completion of the relocated driveway. Parcel "B" <br />would be afforded up to 3,350 sq. ft. of impervious coverage. <br />6.0 STAFF COMMENTS/FINDINGS: <br />6.1 The proposed MINOR SUBDIVISION meets the minimum the width, depth, and square <br />footage requirements of § 1004.016 of the Roseville City Code for both a corner lot and <br />an interior lot. <br />6.2 The proposed MINOR SUBDIVISION meets § 1103.06 (Lot Standards) of the Roseville <br />City Code (exactly the same as indicated in section 5.4 above), specifically subsection <br />"F" which requires all lots/parcels to be substantially at right angles or radial to the street <br />line. <br />6.3 No new street or utility construction is necessary to serve the proposed division. While <br />there is capacity in the system, a sewer and water new lateral connection (at the owner's <br />cost) is necessary for new Parcel "B" and utility and drainage easements are necessary for <br />each parcel. <br />6.4 Because the proposal creates an additional lot, a park dedication fee may be required for <br />the new parcel. The proposal will require review and recommendation by the Park & <br />Recreation staff as well as the park and Recreation Commission. <br />PF3796_RCA_111306.doc - Page 3 of 4 <br />
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