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Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2013 Agendas and packets
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July 17, 2013 <br />Item 6.a <br />Chair's Report <br />Attachments <br />E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE: <br />On Jul 3, 2013, at 7:49 PM, "Gary Grefenberg" <��refenberg�a�> wrote: <br />Jen Guertin: <br />I appreciate your contacting me. The Human Rights Commission has been looking—for a long time—for other potential <br />community partners interested in human rights, social issues regarding minorities, and the challenge of civic <br />engagement, the last item being a relatively-new charge given to the Human Rights Commission (HRC) by the Roseville <br />City Council). <br />So your e-mail today was a real highlight of my day. I count myself fortunate that you have reached out to us, and <br />especially appreciative of Jason's suggestion that you contact me. <br />We should talk soon about developing a collaborative relationship. Right now the July 4th holiday is interfering with my <br />free time over the weekend. I would, however, be available Saturday morning for coffee for 45 minutes or so. And of <br />course there is always the following week, though because of other HRC projects underway the best days would be <br />Monday or Tuesday. And please feel free to call me over the holiday weekend; I'll be in and out most of the time. <br />Two items of immediate interest I would like to discuss are the following: <br />1. Possible HRC Involvement and/or Co-Sponsorship of your Immigration Forum on August 20th, and <br />2. Whether you know of any Roseville residents of minority descent, especially Latino, Asian, or African- <br />American, who might be interested in applying for a seat on the Human Rights Commission application <br />deadline being this next Wednesday. <br />Both of the above items have some time deadlines. My only HRC meeting is two weeks from today, which in effect <br />means I need to get a better understanding of your August 20t" Immigration Forum by this Wednesday, July 10`h, which <br />is when our agenda is set and the Commission's meeting packet is finalized. <br />• So could you send me over the weekend any background information or flyers on your August Forum? <br />The deadline for applying to the Roseville Human Rights Commission is next Wednesday also. The decision on who <br />will fill this vacancy is a City Council decision, so there are no guarantees that whomever you would suggest would be <br />appointed. The immediate task, however, is to encourage qualified minorities to apply. <br />At the same time your outreach to us and desire to be more proactive in Roseville requires that I make a similar overture <br />to your counterpart in the local Republican party. You wouldn't happen to have his or her name and contact <br />information would you? <br />• Please understand that I am not suggesting that the August 20t" Forum be bipartisan or co-sponsored by the <br />local Republican party unit. It is simply my perception that it is necessary that I make clear to both parties the <br />HRC's interest in collaborating on programming with both major political parties. <br />So please identify a good time for us to at least talk over the phone this weekend. <br />
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