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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17, 2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> computer assumptions on projected deterioration, but included that field inspec- <br /> tion for more accuracy. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated his support of considering what average was best indicated. <br /> Metro Transit/Rapid Transit Process/Central Corridor Re-routing of Bus Routes <br /> Vice Chair Stenlund reviewed discussions by the PWETC with Metro Transit and <br /> their attempts to create a less auto-centric and more community-centric transpor- <br /> tation system; with the PWETC's desire to ensure all modes of travel were evalu- <br /> ated and/or re-evaluated. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte shared her perspective in her attendance at a recent <br /> planning meeting for rapid bus transit down Snelling Avenue, with additional <br /> community discussions, including when it reached Roseville, probably in con- <br /> junction with the City of Falcon Heights, since they shared some bus stops. <br /> Responding to Mayor Roe's comment that the route currently stopped at <br /> Rosedale, Councilmember Laliberte advised that she had pushed the discussion to <br /> question why the route didn't proceed up to Northwestern and Bethel Universi- <br /> ties. Councilmember Laliberte advised that rationale of Metro Transit was that <br /> there had not been sufficient ridership in the past to support extending that route; <br /> however, they reluctantly agreed that they would review it again and if so indicat- <br /> ed, could make changes based on future ridership. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> noted that Metro Transit seemed quite set in the route ending at Rosedale at this <br /> time; however, she noted that their focus was based on the need to renegotiate <br /> their transit station lease with Rosedale. Councilmember Laliberte advised that <br /> Metro Transit had received significant input from the communities along that <br /> route relative to the design of stations, curbing, stops, etc. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that the City of Roseville, as a community, needed to continue <br /> advocating other transit modes for the Rice Street corridor, along with other adja- <br /> cent communities. Mayor Roe noted that it was typical that transit opportunities <br /> in Roseville focused on Rosedale; however, he noted that there were a growing <br /> number of people passing through Roseville to access both downtown St. Paul <br /> and Minneapolis that created significant congestion on Roseville streets. Mayor <br /> Roe stated that this needed to be considered to address the quality of life in Rose- <br /> ville for its residents. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, southbound Rice Street seemed to have a <br /> lot of activity toward University Avenue to connect with the light rail system; and <br /> suggested Snelling Avenue and Rice Streets would be realistic north/south rapid <br /> transit bus routes. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte responded that it may be part of Metro Transit's long- <br /> term plans. <br />