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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17,2013 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with that point; as well as supporting continued advocacy <br /> for the NE Diagonal. <br /> Member DeBenedet noted that there had been a lot of discussion in the past of the <br /> emphasis and Metro Transit funding in the northwest and southwest portion of the <br /> metropolitan area, but that this side of the Mississippi River seemed to be in nev- <br /> er-never land. Member DeBenedet opined that it was important to make sure they <br /> didn't forget that area was here and needed to be served as well. <br /> Mayor Roe reported on his involvement in a loosely-organized group calling <br /> themselves the East Metro Transit Alliance, made up of Ramsey County, Wash- <br /> ing County, and Dakota County Commissioners, staff and elected officials and/or <br /> staff of communities in those counties, seeking to create more advocacies for <br /> transit in their area of the metropolitan community. Mayor Roe advised that the <br /> group was not seeking to be competitive, but hoping to facilitate pre-planning and <br /> cooperation among communities along those corridors. Mayor Roe advised that <br /> he represented Roseville on that informally; and would keep the PWETC and City <br /> Council apprised of those discussions, through Public Works Director Schwartz. <br /> Vice Chair Stenlund expressed his hope that the connection of the City of Rose- <br /> ville to Como Park remained part of that history. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked that the PWETC assist the City Council in proac- <br /> tively exploring funding and planning in general to facilitate bicycle and pedestri- <br /> an traffic flow. <br /> Discussion ensued on ways to provide community access to bus rapid transit from <br /> east/west routes; use of rail tracks along County Road C and potential develop- <br /> ment as Ramsey County plans improvements on County Road C west of I-35W in <br /> the next few years through potentially narrowing vehicle lanes to accommodate a <br /> continued and safe pathway safely beyond the narrow portion that is currently <br /> deemed dangerous; the need for pedestrian crossings at Highway 36; and provid- <br /> ing public refuges for pedestrians at busy intersections. <br /> Member Stenlund advised that a future field trip is planned by the PWETC to <br /> look at the City's busiest intersections. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested a field trip by the PWEC and City council to <br /> several recycling facilities, based on the significant number of renovations in the <br /> last few years, and to see some of the different opportunities available. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte advised that the Ramsey County League of Local Gov- <br /> ernments (RCLLG) was planning a field trip later in 2013 to a water treatment <br />