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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17,2013 <br /> Page 15 <br /> plant, and when the dates became available, she would share them with the City <br /> Council and PWEC. <br /> Organized Waste Collection <br /> In noting that the PWETC had previously recommended that the City pursue or- <br /> ganized waste collection through a formal resolution to the City Council, Vice <br /> Chair Stenlund noted that the PWETC had not yet received a response from the <br /> City Council; and therefore, questioned if the City Council wanted the PWETC to <br /> continue pursuing that previous direction. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she continued to hear from her neighbor- <br /> hood about it; and recognized the recent legislative changes to the rules, with 60- <br /> days for negotiating with haulers. Councilmember McGehee opined that it would <br /> be a saving to the community in many ways; while recognizing that there were <br /> passionate feelings from both sides. While not having the same emotional con- <br /> nection with her garbage hauler as some residents, Councilmember McGehee ad- <br /> vised that her main concern was the potential of putting small businesses out of <br /> business. In her consideration of the different ways to organize collection, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee stated that she would prefer a model allowing for current li- <br /> censed haulers in Roseville to have an opportunity to retain a similar number of <br /> customers so they would not be forced out of business, and could keep their busi- <br /> ness interests in the community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee addressed recycling as part of organized collection; <br /> questioning if mixing glass and paper, in a single sort system, meant that the pa- <br /> per could no longer be used for recycling as she had heard. Councilmember <br /> McGehee further stated that she would support a small cart versus a bin for recy- <br /> cling, and if it was determined to pursue single sort recycling, she wanted to have <br /> assurances that the items she was preparing for recycling actually were recycled <br /> and didn't end up in a landfill. Councilmember McGehee suggested that the City <br /> put some conditions on a recycling vendor to ensure they prove where the recy- <br /> cling was being taken. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the focus remain on organized collection; noting that <br /> through a community using an organized collection concept, it was the only avail- <br /> able means for the City to specify where collected materials went; and could be <br /> included as one of the selection criteria based on community values. <br /> Member Felice opined that there was a greater recovery of materials with dual <br /> sort recycling; and further opined that the question remained whether or not more <br /> people would participate in a single sort system, since the City of Roseville's par- <br /> ticipation rates were already very high. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, while the overall amount collected is higher, would all of it <br /> be recyclable, or is some contaminated. <br />