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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17,2013 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Member Felice noted that the City had the ability to write the contract allowing <br /> residents to change the size of their container; and accommodate other situations, <br /> such as when people moved out and left considerable material for the next person <br /> to take care of. Member Felice opined that this would take care of some of those <br /> concerns. <br /> Mayor Roe, recognizing the adopted legislation included a first step to see if haul- <br /> ers could come up with a plan on their own, suggested that was a great idea and <br /> provided an interesting approach if the City didn't end up dictating to haulers, <br /> while still requiring that they met a level of acceptability for the City. Mayor Roe <br /> advised that, based on his concerns about choice of service, choice of carts, etc.; <br /> this process held more appeal for him than the previous approach that didn't ap- <br /> peal to him at all based on a much different process and less creativity for haulers. <br /> Mayor Roe advised the revised legislation had swayed him a little more toward <br /> organized collection; however, he would want to retain the ability for residents to <br /> have some choice, and where the garbage ended up. Mayor Roe opined that he <br /> was not swayed by arguments related to safety or wear and tear on streets, based <br /> on the current truck traffic in Roseville; with the onus on individuals to do a better <br /> job of driving safely and watching out for traffic and pedestrians. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that it would be helpful for the City Council to <br /> give the PWETC better direction for a plan if their research included other com- <br /> munities, such as White Bear Lake, Maplewood, and No. St. Paul who had taken <br /> on this issue over a year ago. Councilmember McGehee agreed with Member Fe- <br /> lice on the ability to draft contract language with the City taking on the cost role <br /> as a good place to start, along with community values components. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee addressed her other concerns related to health from diesel trucks, <br /> noise issues, safety issues, and garbage haulers having a specified areas. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee suggested that the PWEC talk to haulers and come up with <br /> ideas to administer an organized collection program and still provide safeguards <br /> for residents at no extra charge. Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest <br /> in hearing a report on the proposal from garbage haulers as well as their sugges- <br /> tions. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that he owned properties in communities with <br /> organized collection, and opined that it was nice. However, Councilmember <br /> Willmus questioned if it was the best fit for Roseville. Councilmember Willmus <br /> noted that the term "community values"was thrown around a lot; and suggested if <br /> that was going to be continued, those values needed to be accurate, and opined <br /> that the only way to do that was to ask the community what they wanted. Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus noted that community values had been sought for the park <br /> improvement process that helped him make his initial decisions, and suggested <br /> that was a good place to start. <br />