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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 17, 2013 <br /> Page 29 <br /> material used for his deck. Councilmember Etten suggested that the RFP not <br /> specify that the commodity be used in the five-state region. <br /> Mr. Pratt advised that the PWETC considered added value to have materials recy- <br /> cled locally; noting that all of the materials recycled could be processed within the <br /> area, with most of those facilities complaining that they couldn't get enough raw <br /> materials. <br /> Mr. Schwartz suggested adding the word "preferable"to the RFP language. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte questioned the rationale for including Item "0" (page <br /> 36) dictating smoking behavior. <br /> While Councilmember Willmus suggested that this was based on smoking behav- <br /> ior of vendors at ballfields, Mr. Pratt advised that it was actually the result of a <br /> vendor picking up recycling in a multi-family facility's garage, and smoking in <br /> the halls of this non-smoking facility. Mr. Pratt clarified that it was a community <br /> value specifying that preference. <br /> In Section 5.02 (page 13), Mayor Roe suggested review of language related to ve- <br /> hicle standards, repeating in the next several paragraphs, and those that were dic- <br /> tated by state and/or federal rules rather than the City specifying those require- <br /> ments. <br /> Mr. Pratt advised that those redundancies were probably due to cutting and past- <br /> ing, and advised that he would review them and clean them up. <br /> In number 7 (page 14), Mayor Roe suggested that the specific tools for cleaning <br /> up spills did not need to be dictated, simply "appropriate tools." <br /> In Sections 5.16 and 5.17 (pages 21 and 22) referencing scavenging and owner- <br /> ship, Mayor Roe suggesting removing duplicate language. <br /> In Section 6.07 (page 27), Mayor Roe suggested revised language that "... initia- <br /> tives may include[but are not limited to]..." <br /> Proposed Evaluation Team <br /> Mr. Schwartz provided the proposed five (5) member evaluation team consisting <br /> of Mr. Schwartz, Finance Director Miller, Mr. Pratt, one PWETC member; and a <br /> staff member of the Ramsey County Environmental Health Department. <br /> The team was approved by consensus. <br /> Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, directing staff to return with this item for <br /> the July 1, 2013 special meeting agenda. <br />