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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 17, 2013 <br /> Page 28 <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned fins assessed (pages 34-36) and whether <br /> they were reasonable or not; opining that they seemed unreasonable to her unless <br /> there were examples to share; and questioned where staff obtained those figures. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan responded that a point to keep in mind was that liquidated <br /> damages in this or any contract were put in place because parties recognized that a <br /> particular breach or failure was difficult to assign a value. Therefore, Mr. <br /> Gaughan advised that it was typical for everyone going in to accept the assigned <br /> value; with all parties recognizing it's impossible to arrive at an actual figure. Us- <br /> ing that comment as a preface, Mr. Gaughan advised that what was appropriate <br /> for one community may not serve as a benchmark for other communities. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Pratt confirmed that there had only been one <br /> occasion in the last ten (10) years where these damages needed to be assessed. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Gaughan confirmed that they <br /> were only in place, by mutual agreement upfront, so a value didn't need to be de- <br /> termined at a later time <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Pratt reviewed how and when <br /> assessments were conducted for properties missed multiple times by a hauler; and <br /> recourses available and typically used with the vendors in seeking resolution. <br /> In Section 5.21 regarding seasonal park use and those facilities listed in the RFP <br /> (page 23), Councilmember Etten questioned why two of the City's heaviest used <br /> spaces (Central Park Lexington and Victoria West), were not included in the list; <br /> and how those facilities included in the list were arrived at. <br /> Mr. Pratt advised that Parks & Recreation staff were consulted, and this was the <br /> list they provided for the RFP. However, he offered to consult with them again. <br /> Mr. Pratt clarified that HANC was not as heavy of a user as the Wildlife Center. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked that staff bring the list to the attention of the Parks & <br /> Recreation Department again and determine if there should be other facilities <br /> added to the list to be included in the RFP. <br /> As part of that discussion, Mr. Schwartz noted that, if a facility was not on the list, <br /> those recyclables were brought back to the City campus, and were still recycled <br /> with other materials at this site. <br /> Regarding materials processing and marketing (page 28), Councilmember Etten <br /> questioned the rationale in mandating that materials go to markets in the Upper <br /> Midwest, opining that this created problems when the industry may have facilities <br /> in several areas of the nation, and requiring shipping to process or manufacture <br /> those materials. As an example, Councilmember Etten referenced the recycled <br />