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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, June 17, 2013 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mayor Roe commented that this pavilion reminded him of the Como Park Pavil- <br /> ion uses for live performances. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Brokke advised that this park al- <br /> ready had community gardens, with 120 plots, and reviewed how the reservation <br /> system worked, and would continue to do so upon expansion of the number of <br /> plots. <br /> Rosebrook Park <br /> Mr. Schroeder reviewed the current condition of the Press Gym building, noting <br /> that it was a very substantial building and would expend the majority of funds in- <br /> tended for this park just for its demolition. Therefore, Mr. Schroeder reviewed <br /> some options to significantly enhance the exterior aesthetics of the building, and <br /> re-use the interior spaces. Mr. Schroeder provided several conceptual uses that <br /> were not provided in other parks in the system, with a suggestion to focus on arts, <br /> and to provide additional storage for the Parks & Recreation Department. Mr. <br /> Schroeder advised that these were only suggested uses at this point, without sig- <br /> nificant investigation, since the first step would be to achieve an agreement with <br /> the property owner for acquisition of the parcel. <br /> Given the thick, concrete walls of the building, Councilmember McGehee sug- <br /> gested it could also be used as a safe weather shelter, provide off-site storage, and <br /> suggested continued use of the racquetball courts would also provide a use not <br /> currently available in the system. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that this "bunker" could also provide a wall for public art or <br /> a mural in addition to plantings to diminish the impact of the blank walls. <br /> Councilmember Etten asked for several considerations if the parcels were pur- <br /> chased. That the proposal to remove the existing small parking lot in the corner <br /> of the property not be pursued, as it seemed to acerbate community concerns ver- <br /> sus alleviating them. Since funds were not available for expanding parking on the <br /> edge of the parcel along County Road C, Councilmember Etten suggested that the <br /> number of available spaces not be significantly decreased, and if the property was <br /> acquired that the proposal, as conceptually sketched, be reconsidered. Also, <br /> Councilmember Etten asked, if there is a splash pad, it be rotated toward the pa- <br /> vilion versus adjacent to the parking lot. <br /> Sandcastle Park <br /> Mr. Schroeder advised that this was another park that would probably be seeing a <br /> significant evolution. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of the proposed relocation of the park- <br /> ing area to Old Highway 8 to reduce neighborhood traffic, opining that it made <br />