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� <br />� aBed <br />5461EE91S9 <br />7. Additional Required infarmadun: <br />� <br />wv eb�ao 80/51150 <br />a. Legal Descriptiun and PIN: 1''rovide the Parcel Identificatiun I� umber(s) atul tl.te complete legal <br />descri�.�tion(s) of tl�e ryroperiy involved. <br />b. Pmpo9ed Plans: I�i additian to a yuileel site plan, a landscapo �alon, �rading �nd draina�e plan, <br />photomclric plan, n•aLlic study, ana cxtcrior huildin.g elevation drawin�;s showin@ bui]ding <br />materinls m;�y also be rcqui�Ed if dcemed uecesvury by the Contmunity Devclopment Director. <br />Plans tor r�:sideutial applications may fic on 8'h"x 11" or I 1"x 17" pRper; 1'ull size plans aud PDF <br />digital copies must be submittexi for cc�cnmeacial pp��lica6ons. <br />c. Cousultant k'ees: Whene;v� tlilrd pazty wnsultanls un; utilized in thc pr�par-etion of application <br />materi�is (z.g., � traf#ic study) or fhe CiTy's review� of an appGcution (e.g., tmllic study artal,ysis), <br />the applia4nl shall hc respunsible for payin� the, entircty of thocc costs. <br />d. Written Narrative: The written nairative shoiAd thomugtily address thc following items, which <br />Scuion 10�3.01 (Cnnditiqna] Use Permil.$) uf U�e City C:ode directc the City Cow�cil to cvaluate <br />during wncideraiiun of'('onAitional Use applications� <br />1) Impact oPUtz pmpUSed ure on tfaffic; <br />2) Lnpuct uf the proposeil u�e on pnrks, shcxts, ond uthrr puUiic facililie�: <br />3) Ctnnpatibility ut' the prupuseci sate plan, iMernu] haffic. circulatiun, landscaping, �nd <br />Shvcmres with contigu�uc properties; <br />4j Impact of tha pzoposeci usc on tlie market v:ilue oC conti�uous propi�ties; <br />5) lrriyact bf thC proposetl usc on the ��ublic heslth, safety, and general welfare; ;ind <br />6) Crnnpatibiliry nf the ptuposed usc; with the City's corn}ttehcnsive pl�n. <br />S_ Nofi�'tcaHon Sign_ Thc applicant mnst ohtain a'•Notice ol Lxnd UsC Application" Sign ftt�m the <br />C�immunity Dcvelupmcnt DepnrLmcnt and �wsl the cip�i along Uie sfreel in fmnt uf the suhject <br />property. Multiple cirus may hc r�uued for sites a�3jacent to mun: tlun one street. <br />9. Siguuture(s): By signing below, you attest Ihar the infnrmation abuve and afta�:lied is tcuc :�id <br />corrc:et tu the best of your knowledge. <br />,a _..- <br />.i'� , ' � ' .. <br />�,. <br />I'roperry�Q�wier: . Y� <br />� <br />_- -.�r „; <br />_ � <br />dpplicant_ !._._ =�% _- �' _. <br />_ .. <br />no�,:. � :. �� � % <br />�., , �, �1 <br />D�te: ;. : , r� <br />L_.._....-._. _.. <br />e;'nudiGm�al Uce app(ications must Fu, recei. ed by tl�e ctoswof-busirtess on f:he first Friday of eac4 <br />�nunth; applicarion� received uhcr Ihis datc c�nnut tae Lwrd at [Ite 1'lannin� Cummiccion mceting <br />of tlxe follow•ing month. <br />RrviiM.�anm�ry 2BIM <br />l a��d � LEL4Y6SCZ9 <br />P�ge <br />dde.�� pv sawer <br />WY BL�B 60lSUSO <br />