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of windows, doors, and skylights shall be maintained weather resistant and water tight. All metal surfaces <br />subject to rust or corrosion shall be coated to inhibit such rust and corrosion and all surfaces with rust or <br />corrosion shall be stabilized and coated to inhibit future rust and corrosion. Oxidation stains shall be <br />`— removed from exterior surfaces. Surfaces designed for stabilization by oxidation are exempt from this <br />requirement. <br />3. Premises identification. Buildings shall have approved address numbers placed in a position to be plainly <br />legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their <br />background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Numbers shall be a minimum <br />of 4 inches (102 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). <br />4. Structural members. All structural members shall be maintained free from deterioration, and shall be <br />capable of safely supporting the imposed dead and live loads. <br />5. Foundation walls. All foundation walls shall be maintained plumb and free from open cracks and breaks <br />and shall be kept in such condition so as to prevent the entry of rodents and other pests. <br />6. Exterior walls. All exterior walls shall be free from holes, breaks, and loose or rotting materials; and <br />maintained weatherproof and properly surface coated where required to prevent deterioration. <br />7. Roofs and drainage. The roof and flashing shall be sound, tight and not have defects that admit rain. Roof <br />drainage shall be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the <br />structure. Roof drains, gutters and downspouts shall be maintained in good repair and free from <br />obstructions. Roof water shall not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance. <br />8. Decorative features. All cornices, belt courses, corbels, terra cotta trim, wall facings and similar <br />decorative features shall be maintained in good repair with proper anchorage and in a safe condition. <br />9. Overhang extensions. All overhang extensions including, but not limited to canopies, marquees, signs, <br />metal awnings, fire escapes, standpipes and exhaust ducts shall be maintained in good repair and be <br />properly anchored so as to be kept in a sound condition. When required, all exposed surfaces of inetal or <br />wood shall be protected from the elements and against decay or rust by periodic application of weather- <br />coating materials, such as paint or similar surface treatment. <br />10. Stairways, decks, porches and balconies. Every exterior stairway, deck, porch and balcony, and all <br />� appurtenances attached thereto, shall be maintained structurally sound, in good repair, with proper <br />anchorage and capable of supporting the imposed loads. <br />11. Chimneys and towers. All chimneys, cooling towers, smoke stacks, and similar appurtenances shall be <br />maintained structurally safe and sound, and in good repair. All exposed surfaces of inetal or wood shall be <br />protected from the elements and against decay or rust by periodic application of weather-coating <br />materials, such as paint or similar surface treatment. <br />12. Handrails and guards. Every handrail and guard shall be firmly fastened and capable of supporting <br />normally imposed loads and shall be maintained in good condition. <br />13. Window, skylight and door frames. Every window, skylight, door and frame shall be kept in sound <br />condition, good repair and weather tight. <br />a. Glazing. All glazing materials shall be maintained free from cracks and holes. <br />b. Openable windows. Every window, other than a fixed window, shall be easily openable and <br />capable of being held in position by window hardware. <br />14. Insect screens. During the period from May 1 to November 1, every door, window and other outside <br />opening required for ventilation of habitable rooms, food preparation areas, food service areas or any <br />areas where products to be included or utilized in food for human consumption are processed, <br />manufactured, packaged or stored, shall be supplied with approved tightly fitting screens of not less than <br />16 mesh per inch (16 mesh per 25 mm) and every swinging door shall have a self-closing device in good <br />working condition. Exception: Screens shall not be required where other approved means, such as air <br />curtains or insect repellent fans, are employed. <br />15. Doors. All exterior doors, door assemblies and hardware shall be maintained in good condition. Locks at <br />all entrances to dwelling units, rooming units and guestrooms shall tightly secure the door. Locks on <br />means of egress doors shall be in accordance with Section 906.09.B. <br />16. Basement hatchways. Every basement hatchway shall be maintained to prevent the entrance of rodents, <br />� <br />rain and surface drainage water. <br />2009 Seasonal Inspector Handbook <br />� ` <br />Page 76 <br />