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12/16/2014 9:08:58 AM
Creation date
7/17/2013 9:13:54 AM
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Division of Land
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,� <br />" �' <br />��� ��x � <br />� <br />` ,.fst �5, 1996 <br />.�ge 2 <br />Mr. Brad �ren alsa owns the property which is commor�ly known <br />as 367 S. Owasso Boul.evard. It is legally described as follows: <br />That part of Lot 8, Lake Owasso Villa lying southweste�ly <br />of a line measured 30 feet on the Southeasterly line and <br />40 feet on the Northwesterly line of Lot 8(NOTE THIS <br />DESCRIPTION TAKEN FROM TAX STATEMENT, NOT A SURVEY} <br />This parcpl did have a house on it, but the house has now been <br />removed and there is an exposed basement now on the property. Many <br />peo�le find that the exposed basemen� and the condition of this <br />property to be objectionable at the present time. <br />Also, there �.s a water and sewer cannection going into 367 S. <br />pwasso Boulevard, but theze is no building on the property to <br />serve. The water and sanitary sewer service that goes into 367 S. <br />Owasso Boulevard actually serves the property at 365 S. Owasso <br />Baulevard. This would be in violation of the city ordinance <br />� requiring each home to have a separate sewex and water service _ <br />This service now on the premises at 367 S. Owasso Boulevard also <br />serves ha�f o� Lot 6, which is a piece of property apparently owned <br />by Robert Hale just east of the 365 S. Owass� Boulevar� property. <br />Louise Cedarholm and her son, James Hale, and their attorney, <br />Mr. Joseph G. Springer, complained abou� the condition ot the <br />property at 367 S. Owasso Boulevard. They object �o the property <br />being in its present condition as an exposed basement with the <br />house remaved. <br />The City of Roseville finds objectionable that the so-called <br />Cedarholm property, or tha�. iisted as 365 S. Owasso Boulevard does <br />not have a separate service for sewer and water. <br />A general agreemenC was made by the parties subs�antially as <br />follows: <br />1. Louise Cedarholm, with the assistance o£ her son, James <br />Hale, will have cons�ructed a new serv�.ce bringin.g <br />sanitary sewer and water into the property known as 365 <br />S. Owasso Boulevard. The location of service will be <br />determined by the Cedarnolms and Hales, but it will not <br />be on any property owned by Bradley Oren . The con�ractor <br />doing this work will be one chosen by the Cedaxholms, but <br />� the contractor will have to be a licensed contractor <br />
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