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-� -- <br />619 procedures established in the City code, the appeal means that the matter will be brought to the <br />s2c City Council at its meetings of May 24th, at which time they'll have to make the decision as to <br />E2 � whether the community garden is allowed by the zoning code or not. Staff and the City Attorney <br />622 will be preparing analyses of the zoning code and the legal assertions made in the appeal letter <br />62� but, officially, no new information on the issues is to be considered. <br />s24 We'll keep you informed about when the Council will discuss the matter, and you (or another <br />62� representative of the church) should plan to be in attendance to help answer questions that the <br />s2F Councilmembers may have. In the meantime, the church may continue to plan, but the appeal <br />s27 process requires you to wait on any further physical progress in preparing the garden area until <br />s�� after the City Council makes its decision about the appeal. <br />62s Feel free to call or email me if you have any questions. <br />s3o Bryan Lloyd <br />6.��. NCPC Plans <br />632 Tue 5/11/2010 10:41 AM <br />633 From: Bryan Lloyd <br />634 To: Spear, Kimberley M. <br />s�5 Hi again, Kimberley. <br />636 As we endeavor to provide context to the City Council with respect to the community garden <br />637 plans and the appeal, it seems that I would do well to seek a little more clarification pertaining to <br />ss� the intended size of the community garden. <br />639 My impression from you (from our conversations as well as from your/the church's response to <br />6ac Mr. Leiendecker's original email to you on the subject) is that NCPC's plans are to start small, <br />sa � with approximately 8 plots and, as need dictates and success allows, expanding over time into <br />sa2 the full plan that you've sent me including 26 plots plus 4 smaller, raised beds. In contrast, my <br />643 conversations with Mr. Leiendecker leave me with the impression that the plan for 26 plots is <br />s44 just the beginning, and that NCPC intends to enlarge the community garden across most of the <br />645 church's front yard if the project is successful. <br />646 <br />647 <br />648 <br />649 <br />650 <br />65 i <br />652 <br />If you could please clarify the church's intent, I would certainly appreciate that. Thanks in <br />advance. <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />Re: NCPC Plans <br />Tue 5/11/2010 9:25 PM <br />From: Spear, Kimberley M. <br />To: Bryan Lloyd <br />653 [The emuil begins with a response to the above questio�Z pertaining to the full scope of the <br />654 community garden plans. This part of the response is not included here because Ms. Spear <br />655 understood that City Code provisions prevented the information from being included with the <br />s5s materials provided to the City Council; Ms. Spear may well re present the information on <br />s5� her own terms now that it is being accepted by the Ciry Council.J <br />65£3 <br />659 <br />660 <br />Bryan, here are the series of questions that we have for you about the City Council meeting. <br />What time is the City Council meeting, can we be early on the meeting agenda, and where is <br />the exact location of the meeting? <br />