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6s� Is it a requirement for the City to respond at the Council meeting? Or did the Council decide <br />ss2 to respond? Is the purpose to endorse the opinion previously provided, or could they change <br />6s3 the opinion provided to us earlier? <br />ss� Will the City Council be addressing zoning questions only? Or will they question the merits <br />66� of community gardens too? <br />666 What is the format of the conversation? Do you present? Do we present? Do neighbors <br />ss� present? Are all presenters timed? If so, how long is the presentation time? Can we show the <br />6s� plans and speak to them? <br />669 Can the neighborhood members interested in the garden - pro or con - attend? <br />6�o What does the City Council receive in their packets? The appeal letter and attachments? The <br />6�� letters that you sent us? We plan to send in a letter to address the 14 page appeal letter, but <br />s�2 wanted to know if it would be read/considered at this time. <br />s�s Tim Pratt in Parks and Rec was noted as a person familiar with our planned community <br />674 garden. Are you aware if Tim/others in Parks and Rec have seen the appeal letter and have <br />675 comments on same? Is there a value in requesting their assistance? <br />676 Lastly, what does 'no new information will be presented' mean? <br />s�� Thanks for your comments as soon as possible. <br />678 My Best, <br />679 Kim <br />6ao Re: NCPC Plans <br />681 Thu 5/13/2010 11:30 AM <br />6s2 From: Bryan Lloyd <br />683 To: Spear, Kimberley M. <br />684 Thanks for the reply, Kim; that helped to complete the picture of NCPC's goals and <br />6�5 thoughts about the project. <br />s86 As for your questions, the first point I'd like to clarify is that we/Roseville didn't <br />ss� "approve" the community garden. The frank-but-oversimplified reality is that we looked <br />6�� at the plans and the zoning code, shrugged our shoulders, and said that the zoning code <br />689 doesn't regulate it. I gave the same reply to a homeowner who came in to ask about the <br />6yo required setbacks for a backyard swing set. I literally shrugged my shoulders and told <br />691 him that the code doesn't have any rules about it. This might be a subtle point, but when <br />s92 the City approves something, that "something" required our approval: the community <br />693 garden doesn't require our approval, so we didn't "approve" it. <br />694 Moving on, then, the City Council meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. on May 24th. I don't <br />s9� have any knowledge of (or input into) the Council's agenda, but you can contact the <br />696 Administration Department (651-792-7001) to see what the schedule might be and to let <br />697 them know your preferences. <br />698 When the issue does come up, it'll begin with a presentation (prob'ly by me) about staff s <br />699 review of the garden plan and how we concluded that it isn't regulated by the zoning <br />�oo code. Then there'll some discussion between the Councilmembers and staff about the <br />�o � issues involved. That's all that the appeal process requires, but the meeting is open to the <br />�02 public and I'm very confident that the City Council will allow any interested attendees to <br />�03 share their thoughts. In fact, the Council will likely have additional questions for you and <br />^ —� <br />