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� — <br />�o� Mr. Leiendecker. While the process doesn't guarantee any additional public input, I <br />�05 would be completely surprised if you weren't given the opportunity to say everything you <br />�cb feel needs to be said. <br />70� The appeal is being heard by the City Council because the City Code requires it. There's <br />�ct� no process for determining whether an appeal has a certain level of inerit to qualify for <br />�cG Council review. And, while the only real issue that the Council needs to address is <br />i�,;; whether Planning Division staff properly/appropriately interpreted the zoning code, it'll <br />��� be impossible to divorce community gardens from that discussion. Since the Parks and <br />i��� Recreation department already operates a community garden elsewhere in Roseville, my <br />�°? guess is that the conversation will be more about where/how community gardens can be <br />�' � appropriately allowed rather than whether community gardens should be prohibited <br />�' S outright. <br />� � 6 According to the appeal review process established in the City Code, the only materials <br />�' � that the Council will receive in advance of the meeting are: the plans and <br />� �� communications pertaining to staff s review and determination (most of which was <br />��� contained in the attachments submitted with the appeal), the appeal itself, and analyses by <br />�2o City staff of the zoning and legal issues raised in the appeal. We can't include a response <br />�2' from the church, or any additional communication from Mr. Liendecker or the other <br />i22 neighbors but, as I indicated above, I'm sure that the City Council will be interested in <br />�2? hearing all of that during the meeting. <br />�24 I hope that helps to shed the needed light on the appeal process for you. Please let me <br />�2� know if you have additional questions. <br />�26 Bryan <br />�2� City Attorney Interpretation <br />�2� Wed 5/19/2010 10:31 AM <br />�2� From: Bob Koppy <br />�3c To: Craig Klausing,, Pat Trudgeon, Bryan Lloyd <br />�s� dear mayor & city council members; <br />�s2 I would like to have this email be included with the appeal packet that was recently sent to you <br />�:�3 by Larry Leiendecker. the most important issue is the CUP requirement be made on the NCPC <br />�3� community garden. I FOR ONE CANNOT SEE HOW THIS IS CONSIDERED AS A LOW <br />i3� IMPACT GARDEN PROJECT. ORIGINALLY I UNDERSTOOD THAT IT COULD BE AS <br />�36 LARGE AS 50 PLOTS OF LAND THIS IS NOT SMALL HOWEVER AT ONE OF THE <br />�3 i MEETINGS WITH THE NCPC GARDEN CORDINATORS IT WAS REDUCED TO 12 <br />�s� PLOTS THEN IT WAS CHANGED TO 15-18 PLOTS AND NOW AT LAST COUNT IT <br />i3.�i WAS UP TO 20 PLOTS. I BELEIVE NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE SOME RESTRICTIONS <br />��o BY HAVING A CUP REQUIREMENT. <br />