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Last modified
7/19/2013 4:04:35 PM
Creation date
7/19/2013 3:46:21 PM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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Attachment A <br />Multi- family Rental Housing Licensing <br />The purpose of this program is to protect the public health, safety and welfare of citizens of the City who <br />occupy rental units in Multi- family properties. This would be achieved by adopting a Rental Dwelling <br />inspection program to provide minimum maintenance standards for existing and newly constructed Multi- <br />family rental properties in Roseville, MN. <br />The Multi- family rental housing licensing program would be required for dwellings that have more than 4 <br />units. Properties that are licensed care facilities will be exempt from an inspection program. <br />The program would be set as follows: <br />• Initially all units in each property would be inspected. <br />• Inspections will be done by third -party inspectors. <br />• The City will maintain a list of approved "City- licensed inspectors" and will provide evaluation <br />guidelines for inspections. <br />• Based upon results of the inspections, properties will then be issued a License Type A, B, C, or D. <br />• The City- licensed inspector will send a copy of the inspection to both the City and the rental property <br />owner or their designee. <br />• Costs for having the City - licensed inspector will be paid by the rental property owners and is <br />separate from the license fee. <br />A completed application form and the license fee must also be submitted. The City license fee is $100 per <br />building and $10 per unit. The license will be effective based upon the classification of the property. Property <br />owners who fail to obtain or renew a license within 30 days of expiration will result in a $500 penalty; the <br />penalty will double every 2 weeks it remains unpaid. <br />Prooertv Licensing Requirements <br />The type of license (A, B, C, or D) a property owner receives will be determined by the overall number of <br />property code violations identified during the initial inspection. In addition, the City may, upon receipt of <br />creditable third party complaints or residents with reasonable concerns, require an inspection of a unit. <br />Upon a complaint based inspection the city may require additional units to be inspected. Upon that <br />inspection, the City may require a license category criteria inspection be performed using the same standards <br />as the license renewal inspection (see table below). <br />After the initial 100% inspection, the minimum inspection standards will be followed for license renewal: <br />At least 35% of units will be inspected for properties that have between 5 —20 units. <br />At least 25% of the units will be inspected for properties that have more than 21 units. <br />Type A <br />Recommended <br />Phase 1 <br />Once every 3 years <br />- - <br />(recommended) <br />Type B <br />Attend 25% <br />Phase 1 <br />Once every 2 years <br />- - <br />Type C <br />Attend 50 % <br />Phases 1 & 2 <br />Once a year <br />- - <br />Required and may <br />Type D <br />Attend 75 % <br />Phases 1, 2, & 3 <br />Once every 6 months <br />be brought forth Required <br />to Council. <br />Draft —for discussion purposes only 2 -19 -13 <br />
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