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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15,2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> With continuing comment heard occasionally from a member of the public re- <br /> garding the City selling some of its park property, Councilmember Willmus asked <br /> that at a future time, Mr. Brokke provide information pertaining to the value of <br /> open space in a community. Councilmember Willmus noted specific formulas <br /> (e.g. market value for contiguous properties surrounding open space and/or offsets <br /> for other government services) to determine the value for open space and to offset <br /> emergency services personnel; or other factors not previously considered beyond <br /> the actual price of a piece of land sold for a certain number of dollars; but to ad- <br /> dress costs outside that basic land value. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred, adding the availability of stormwater manage- <br /> ment opportunities as well. <br /> Along that same line, Mayor Roe noted that the dollars received for selling the <br /> land were only a one-time revenue source, and while maintenance costs may be <br /> reduced, what was actually being lost in selling that land, depending on the differ- <br /> ent categories of uses and changes to the complexion of the community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee encouraged the department to raise the priority level <br /> for getting current with the asset management software program, opining that it <br /> provided an important piece of the City's capital plan and overall planning. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of that across the board for all City <br /> Departments. Councilmember McGehee also spoke in support of Councilmember <br /> Willmus' suggestion to contact other district communities for cost-sharing oppor- <br /> tunities for outdoor facilities. <br /> Councilmember Willmus clarified his rationale in raising the issue for cost- <br /> sharing of field with other communities, stating that it was based on potential im- <br /> plications for the 2014 budget, without knowing which direction the School Dis- <br /> trict would go, and the need for the City to start planning now for any potential <br /> impacts to its recreation programs. <br /> Mayor Roe further clarified that communication to-date from the School District <br /> was that the Owasso ball fields would remain usable through the 2014 season, so <br /> impacts may be to the 2014 budget,but not 2014 programming. <br /> Regarding reinstatement of the custodial position, Councilmember Etten noted the <br /> high demand from the community to have more bathrooms available during the <br /> day, week and throughout the year; while also recognizing the need for those fa- <br /> cilities to be maintained and cleaned appropriately. If the custodial position was <br /> reinstated, Councilmember Etten questioned if that position would be free to per- <br /> form that maintenance for those additional buildings as well. <br />