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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/29/2013 8:21:33 AM
Creation date
7/29/2013 8:21:21 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15,2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Mr. Brokke opined that they could help, but would not be able to perform the fine <br /> detailed cleaning. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Brokke advised that his department <br /> was currently much stretched, and often was the recipient of other departments in <br /> accomplishing its work load,particularly for special events; and could envision no <br /> additional sharing of current Parks & Recreation staff with other departments that <br /> may provide greater efficiencies. Mr. Brokke noted that during special events, all <br /> departments did their part, opining that this was one thing Roseville did very well, <br /> with a lot of sharing among and between departments. If there are areas to share, <br /> Mr. Brokke opined that staff found them; and as pointed out by Mr. Schwartz, it <br /> was a real benefit to be able to not hesitate and call on those other departments as <br /> needed and their immediate response to those needs. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten if the Administration Department was <br /> able to provide more support allowing individual departments to focus on their <br /> operations, Mr. Brokke responded that he would need to give that further consid- <br /> eration. Mr. Brokke reiterated that he didn't hesitate to call on Administration for <br /> help if and when needed; opining that every department had its own level of ex- <br /> pertise for everyone to rely on if not available within its own department; and fur- <br /> ther opined that it was important to continue that relationship under current staff- <br /> ing constraints. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte, in conjunction with Councilmember Etten's comments, <br /> asked that Mr. Brokke consider if there were functions that could be moved out of <br /> his department to Administration(e.g. purchasing). <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted Mr. Brokke's comments under "operational chal- <br /> lenges" related to trail plowing, advising that he continued to hear feedback dur- <br /> ing winter months that some trails are kept in their natural state to allow snow- <br /> shoeing and cross country skiing; and questioned if taking a percentage of trails <br /> outside the maintenance realm was possible. <br /> Mr. Brokke advised that some cross country skiing had been experimented with, <br /> including golf course trails and some around Acorn Park, However, Mr. Brokke <br /> advised that the overwhelming response fielded by staff was the public question- <br /> ing whey the trails were not being maintained for walkers, at which point, staff re- <br /> sponded by again plowing them. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Brokke clarified that the number of summer or <br /> seasonal employees was estimated at 150 annually, with some of those of one <br /> hour and some more per week, varying from year to year and part of delivering <br /> programs Mr. Brokke confirmed Mayor Roe's understanding that the seasonal <br /> employees were not included in the department's FTE count of 24. <br />
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