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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15,2013 <br /> Page 14 <br /> rent staff was putting in70-80 hours per week; and at some point a better solution <br /> was needed. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that a simple benchmark for industry-recommended standards <br /> was for one (1) IT employee for every fifty (50) employees needing IT support. <br /> At this time, Mr. Miller advised that the City of Roseville was experiencing a <br /> 1/100 ratio; with 1,200 users throughout the consortium. While the City was for- <br /> tunate to have people putting forth the extra effort, from an operational standpoint <br /> for IT models for the consortium, current staffing may be appropriate,but moving <br /> forward, asked that the City Council consider the need to upgrade its staffing lev- <br /> els to support the City of Roseville and consortium members. <br /> In response to department capital needs funded at only 60%, Mr. Miller advised <br /> that this included not only computers or printers, but all network servers, anti- <br /> virus programs, and back-up programs. Mr. Miller noted that, while the CIP pro- <br /> vided funding for general equipment and vehicles, any additional strengthening of <br /> the Roseville IT program in 2014 would be challenging with current levy limits. <br /> While recognizing the need to get by short-term, Mr. Miller cautioned that the IT <br /> program was not sustainable under current funding. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Miller advised that the annual <br /> lease for the off-site License Center was $62,000, and would increase over the <br /> next three(3) years based on the existing lease. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Miller clarified that member <br /> cites/agencies in the consortium were invoiced per JPA language for any addi- <br /> tional staff needs or additional technological support for the City of Roseville,ba- <br /> sically at a no net cost to the City. Mr. Miller advised that this model had not <br /> changed in a decade,but noted that new software solutions were continually being <br /> added and therefore requiring additional training and service support needs. <br /> Mr. Miller further clarified that the IT staffing levels he addressed in his "Issues <br /> & Challenges" comments were specific to the City of Roseville as each depart- <br /> ment upgraded their software programs for the purpose of becoming more effi- <br /> cient and productive, they all required additional maintenance. Mr. Miller noted <br /> that it was not Roseville property taxes that paid for those fees (e.g. Microsoft li- <br /> censes), but revenue from tower leases; and without that, things would shut down <br /> quickly. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if the business model for partner cities/agencies would <br /> continue to work if costs were increased to those members of the consortium to <br /> cover Roseville's costs; or if this would no longer make the consortium option <br /> competitive. <br />