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Regular City Council Meeting • <br /> Monday,July 15,2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested that purchasing and communications may be <br /> an administrative function for all departments to free up some staff time; and <br /> asked that Mr. Brokke give that more thought. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding those new buildings coming on line as part of the <br /> Renewal Program, and the anticipated year they would do so and related budget- <br /> ary impacts, including that of CIP amortized costs. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte and Mayor Roe, Mr. Brokke clarified <br /> that the new positions addressed were funded through the tax levy, with only a <br /> portion funded (50-60%) through fee programs. Mayor Roe noted that this creat- <br /> ed a concern with levy limits; and suggested that Mr. Brokke consider the benefits <br /> of incorporating additional responsibilities (e.g. asset management implementa- <br /> tion) into an additional position request such as that of the Park Supervisor. <br /> Additional discussion included whether water fountains were needed in parks <br /> when so many carried their own beverage containers; periodic Roseville fee com- <br /> parisons with other communities; and non-resident fees versus resident fees and <br /> how to focus fees on those using a service versus the entire community through <br /> tax levies. <br /> Finance <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller provided an outline of his presentation. Mr. Miller <br /> noted that the Finance Department fell into three (3) distinct operating divisions: <br /> Finance and Accounting, Information Technology, and License Center. Mr. Mil- <br /> ler referenced the points of emphasis for the 2014 Department Budget as detailed <br /> in the budget overview handout. <br /> Issues and Challenges <br /> Mr. Miller advised that the greatest challenge for the department was competing <br /> with the private sector, specific to IT and CPA expertise, and providing additional <br /> focus to successfully compete with above and beyond those other cities and the <br /> private sector, done well historically and to-date. In order to facilitate that, Mr. <br /> Miller advised that it was necessary to provide the right work environment, ongo- <br /> ing training, and a comparable compensation/benefit package. Without those el- <br /> ements, Mr. Miller advised that it will be difficult to retain top tiered personnel; <br /> which provided a critical challenge for the Finance Department on a daily basis. <br /> Regarding the IT model, Mr. Miller clarified that he was specifically addressing <br /> the support needs for Roseville, as IT staffing levels were well below peer organi- <br /> zations and industry-recommended standards; as well as not keeping pace with <br /> additional technological programs recently added to the City's software platform <br /> (e.g. HRIS, Police/Fire record management, and asset management software). <br /> While joint powers agreements (JPA's) support additional support staff to serve <br /> partner communities, the Roseville IT model is not sustainable unless IT staff is <br /> available to support Roseville software maintenance. Mr. Miller advised that cur- <br />