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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/29/2013 8:21:33 AM
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7/29/2013 8:21:21 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15,2013 <br /> Page 16 <br /> ditional positions gradually to obtain a more realistic staffing level at approxi- <br /> mately one per year or every other year. Mr. Miller noted that it was important to <br /> be sensitive to those partner cities who were facing the same conditions and con- <br /> straints as the City of Roseville and what they had available to commit to their IF <br /> functions. Mr. Miller advised that overall the cities have been great partners,with <br /> the majority very patient and understanding of the true value of these collabora- <br /> tive efforts with realistic expectations. However, Mr. Miller noted that there were <br /> some concerns expressed related to response times for IT staff, especially on <br /> weekends, evenings or holidays, all dependent on IT staff time and schedules. <br /> Mr. Miller noted that all IT staff had pagers, and the standard is that they always <br /> responded. However, if all of those cities had departments with computers, print- <br /> ers, and internet service 24/7, the standard was for the City of Roseville to provide <br /> support and maintenance. Mr. Miller noted that the question was: "Could a hand- <br /> ful of employees, beyond those Department Heads tasked accordingly, be contin- <br /> ually expected to be on call 24/7 with no relief in the long-term? <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten for service level increases in the Fi- <br /> nance/Accounting area, Mr. Miller advised categorically that if internal service <br /> capabilities were improved, his first, second, third, and ongoing priority recom- <br /> mendation would be for IT staffing levels to increase. Mr. Miller advised that this <br /> would also allow the Department to increase information reporting needs for other <br /> departments and the City Council, whether budget analyses or internal audit func- <br /> tions that a city the size of Roseville should be doing, which would be beneficial, <br /> in addition to monitoring purchases and expenditures above current thresholds, <br /> along with improved risk management based on best practices and industry stand- <br /> ards. Mr. Miller opined that the largest internal need for the City's internal cus- <br /> tomers was a glaring need in the IT function. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller advised that the first positions added <br /> would be IT response network engineer positions, with one (1) position great and <br /> two (2)being a godsend. Mr. Miller advised that the intent would be to anticipate <br /> problems on the front end on a proactive basis for scanning and evaluating <br /> equipment and software, making the reactionary response on the backend less of a <br /> problem for complete system failures or crashes. <br /> Overall Conclusion <br /> On behalf of Interim City Manager Trudgeon and anticipating the July 22, 2013 <br /> meeting and staff's request for general budget direction from the City Council, <br /> Mr. Miller asked that the City Council provide serious priorities while recogniz- <br /> ing levy limits and other issues coming on line. Mr. Miller noted that Mr. Trudg- <br /> eon would eventually need to present the City Manager-recommended budget, a <br /> team effort, and whatever specific information the City Council could provide on <br /> July 22, 2013, would allow staff to deliver that as anticipated on August 19, 2013. <br /> 13. Business Items (Action Items) <br />
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