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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 15, 2013 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Budget Items <br /> a. 2014 Department Budget Discussion <br /> Interim City Manager Patrick Trudgeon provided a brief overview of tonight's <br /> presentations by Department Heads, to be followed at upcoming City Council <br /> meetings by remaining Department Heads. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the next <br /> step would be to draft more detailed information and scenarios to pursue at the di- <br /> rection of the City Council, as detailed in the RCA dated July 15, 2013. <br /> Public Works/Engineering <br /> Public Works Director Duane Schwartz provided an outline of his presentation. <br /> Budget Priorities <br /> Mr. Schwartz noted that previous submissions for the Public Works/Engineering <br /> Department as submitted in May of 2013 represented a status quo budget under <br /> certain parameters; with staffing and employee compensation rising to the top of <br /> the priority list. <br /> Staffing/Compensation <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that the current market for key positions remained competi- <br /> tive with other communities; and opined that it was important to retain the best <br /> and brightest in Roseville, along with those employees having a an historical <br /> knowledge of the City and its infrastructure. While recognizing that employees <br /> left for any number of reasons, Mr. Schwartz reiterated the comments made by <br /> Finance Director Miller at the July 8, 2013 City Council meeting related to the re- <br /> cent compensation study; and the need to support City staff and position the City <br /> around those employees who continue to deliver services as desired by the com- <br /> munity. Mr. Schwartz noted that staffing for the City of Roseville remained lean <br /> compared to peer cities, while those employees continued to deliver a full com- <br /> plement of services; and again reiterated the need to make it a budget priority to <br /> deliver those services with the best employees the City could afford. <br /> Contractual Sealcoat Program <br /> Mr. Schwartz suggested that proceeds from the recent sale of equipment, original- <br /> ly allocated to the City's CIP program, be transferred to the contractu- <br /> al/operational side of the budget, allowing the department to research contracting <br /> with a private company to perform this annual maintenance, thereby accomplish- <br /> ing it in a shorter timeframe, providing a better quality job based on their exper- <br /> tise, and freeing staff to perform other duties. <br /> Asset Management Support <br /> Mr. Schwartz noted that another area for new dollars in the 2014 budget included <br /> annual support for the recently implemented asset management software, estimat- <br />