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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, July 15, 2013 <br /> Page 5 <br /> ed at $6,000 annually. Mr. Schwartz advised that all engineering work was now <br /> fully implemented with the software program, with every task tracked with specif- <br /> ic timesheet information through that program. Mr. Schwartz advised that the <br /> mapping component was not yet fully implemented, but in process. However, <br /> Mr. Schwartz advised that the annual support for this software was not included in <br /> previous department budgets. <br /> Budget Challenges <br /> Retirements/Reorganization <br /> Of the five (5) management level staff positions in the department, Mr. Schwartz <br /> advised that three (3) were eligible for retirement in the next 1-5 years. As previ- <br /> ously indicated in the department's Strategic Plan and suggested reorganization <br /> structure, Mr. Schwartz suggested converting several current maintenance posi- <br /> tions to foremen positions; and creation of a superintendent position in the <br /> maintenance area, thereby reducing the structure by one (1) supervisor level posi- <br /> tion. Mr. Schwartz opined that this would provide better accountability and coor- <br /> dination throughout the department. <br /> Phase II Stormwater Permit <br /> Mr. Schwartz noted that in August of 2013, the current permit would be released <br /> and its timeframe for implementation. Mr. Schwartz advised that this would have <br /> an impact on staff to meet those strict requirements under federal law, and most <br /> likely be time-consuming as well. <br /> Pavement Deterioration <br /> Mr. Schwartz noted that City and County staff continued to review some pave- <br /> ment applications done over the last 15-20 years metro-wide given their early de- <br /> terioration well below those based on industry standards. While MnDOT had also <br /> completed their study of this deterioration, Mr. Schwartz advised that it did not <br /> sufficiently meet concerns of the City or County, and the consensus was that there <br /> was something more to it than weather-related causes, suspecting that there was a <br /> direct relationship to current oil refinement practices today. <br /> Therefore, and in response to Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Schwartz advised <br /> that the Roseville CIP may need revamping to allow for more frequent mill and <br /> overlay of some of those streets; since the issue seemed to be contained with sur- <br /> faces, not structural concerns. However, Mr. Schwartz advised that this would <br /> create an impact on the current maintenance program and additional budget <br /> stresses. <br /> Budget Opportunities <br /> Environmental specialist <br /> With the Recycling Utility function now under the Public Works Department, Mr. <br /> Schwartz advised that he foresaw this function being coordinated with stormwater <br /> Phase II work, education, water quality, and application for additional grants to <br />