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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18, 2013 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that this discussion in no way reflected the vast majority of <br /> people riding buses, but only a small element that would obviously increase as <br /> ridership increased. Mayor Roe sought to assure the public that the City Council <br /> was certainly not attempting to publically portray the majority of bus riders caus- <br /> ing problems. <br /> Chief Mathwig concurred, noting that majority of riders on bus route #84 were <br /> good people. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that there was a significant need to move people north and south <br /> along Snelling Avenue; with Councilmember Laliberte also noting the main rea- <br /> son for the BRT was to move people from the light rail transit (LRT) connections <br /> in downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis. <br /> In general and at the request of Councilmember Willmus, Finance Director Miller <br /> advised that, while differing to some among functions and departments, on aver- <br /> age a 3%inflationary multiplier could be applied. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Chief Mathwig responded to the vari- <br /> ous transit lines running into and through Roseville, with information just re- <br /> ceived earlier that afternoon and not yet available to determine whether one line <br /> versus another more directly impacted crime areas in Roseville. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that anytime a retail facility provided an oppor- <br /> tunity for a quick get-away, it would create a heavier crime area. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that another consideration would be how the <br /> LRT crossed University Avenue and who gets on and off. <br /> Chief Mathwig clarified that, once the BRT was implemented, Route #84 would <br /> be retracted, with more lines supplied into Roseville to handle the extra ridership, <br /> with the entire system inflated for about one (1) year. <br /> While still seeking interest from the retail community for partnership for a com- <br /> mercial patrol, Chief Mathwig advised that in reality he doubt it would come for- <br /> ward in the City Manager-recommended 2014 budget. <br /> Chief Mathwig advised that the department continued to have daily interactions <br /> with the New Americans Forum, and would continue to do so to the degree possi- <br /> ble with current staff and resources. <br /> Chief Mathwig noted the need to fund the $10,000 for overtime, based on union <br /> contract language on overtime, and use of comp time and off-shift for various du- <br /> ties; creating less time to make traffic stops, facilitate neighborhood interaction, <br /> etc. <br />