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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18, 2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Chief Mathwig reviewed the peer cities <br /> (5 larger/5 smaller cities) used regularly by the unions in their compensation stud- <br /> ies; with Human Resources Manager Eldona Bacon doing that research and un- <br /> ions doing their own research on occasion as well. Chief Mathwig advised that <br /> the cities changed depending on demographics used. Chief Mathwig reviewed <br /> current contracts, with the Sergeants Union on a three (3) year contract; and offic- <br /> ers generally having a 1-2 year contract; and comparable cities information — <br /> available to the public — available when reviewed. At the request of Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten, Chief Mathwig advised that the Officer's Union contract would <br /> be up in 2014, and estimated that it negotiations would follow similarly that of the <br /> Sergeant's and estimated at an increase of 2.5% COLA. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that the take away for Councilmembers to consider was that <br /> collective bargaining units would most likely always be at 100% of peer cities av- <br /> erages versus non-union employees. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief Mathwig reviewed the simplis- <br /> tic compensation study by the unions using data from cities having their own po- <br /> lice departments and not contracting with sheriff's departments. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that the minimal cost for the New American's <br /> Forum didn't seem significant given its positives; and questioned if Chief <br /> Mathwig anticipated expanding it to other groups beyond the Karen community; <br /> and questioned if it should be an annual event or more or less frequent. <br /> Chief Mathwig responded that the Karen group were identified as the most vul- <br /> nerable group in the United States and in Roseville and therefore remained of <br /> greater focus for the department. Chief Mathwig opined that many of the other <br /> groups were or could be supported through a support group of interpreters, written <br /> materials geared toward their ethnicity and meetings, with options remaining open <br /> at this time, but of interest to the department in pursuing, in particular the large <br /> Roseville population of Somali residents, even though they were not as vulnerable <br /> as the Karen residents. Chief Mathwig noted that a grant from the Roseville <br /> Foundation grant primarily funded the last Forum. <br /> Councilmember Etten opined that, given their vulnerability, the City should con- <br /> tinue to support focused interaction with Karen community in the 2014 budget; <br /> and asked that Interim City Manager Trudgeon incorporate it in the City Coun- <br /> cil's work plan, which was duly noted by Mr. Trudgeon. <br /> While the department had looked to fund an additional Community Service Of- <br /> ficer (CS)) above the current three part-time CSO's, with funding of$20,000 in <br /> the 2013 budget, Chief Mathwig expressed his reluctance to move that forward to <br /> the 2014 budget if needing to take funds from other department functions or activ- <br /> ities. <br />