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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 17 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon cautioned that local problems were under the control of the City; <br /> however,there was little impact the City had with state taxation or bigger issues. <br /> As an example, Mayor Roe noted results of recent visits with Symantec earlier <br /> this year and their request for a crosswalk on Cleveland Avenue for their employ- <br /> ees to access parks during their breaks and to encourage walkability and connec- <br /> tivity. Mayor Roe spoke in support of positive impacts available for Ramsey <br /> County and the City of Roseville to make life better for area businesses and resi- <br /> dents. <br /> Administration Department <br /> In his role as Interim City Manager, Mr. Trudgeon distributed a handout outlining <br /> his presentation. <br /> Mayor Roe requested, and Mr. Trudgeon duly noted, that the bench handouts be <br /> incorporated as part of the official agenda packet for tonight's meeting, in accord- <br /> ance with City Council policy, including his spreadsheet breakdowns as above- <br /> referenced. <br /> Specific to the Communication Fund revenue, Mayor Roe confirmed that the <br /> funds were made available through the current franchise agreement with Comcast, <br /> and increased 5% annually. <br /> As she had noted at a previous meeting, Councilmember McGehee noted that her <br /> research had indicated that the Cities of Edina and St. Louis Park had 4-5 Human <br /> Resources employees respectively. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he had removed the Recycling component from his <br /> spreadsheets; and addressed Fire Relief Association funding under employee <br /> costs; opining that including it as a personnel cost seemed inappropriate since, un- <br /> like PERA, the information didn't match the current budget categories at this <br /> time. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon referenced his memorandum dated July 18, 2013, entitled, "Admin- <br /> istration Department Reorganization," provided as a bench handout. Mr. Trudg- <br /> eon cautioned that this represented his very preliminary and initial findings and <br /> recommendations for reorganization the Administrative, Communications and <br /> Human Resources functions of the City, after receiving and considering City <br /> Council feedback and consulting with other communities related to their adminis- <br /> trative functions. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he was attempting at this time to <br /> keep any administrative reorganization fairly cost neutral, anticipating future cost <br /> increases. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Trudgeon clarified that the HRA was <br /> amenable to providing $30,000 from HRA funds toward a Communications Man- <br />