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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 16 <br /> enforcement costs, Mr. Trudgeon anticipated 2 FTE's and related vehicle, sup- <br /> plies and fuel estimated at $150,000, all levy-supported. <br /> Specific to economic development-related activities (e.g. business retention), <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if it was feasible that any dollars invested in staff time <br /> could be recouped through building permits and fees, or if it would put pressure <br /> on other sources. <br /> In response, Mr. Trudgeon advised that at this time the situation may not be able <br /> to be predicted accurately, since measuring quantity versus quality as more busi- <br /> ness was realized was not a good measure and hard to gauge. Mr. Trudgeon not- <br /> ed that it was fortunate that Roseville already had good quality businesses, some <br /> that have or are expanding; however, he cautioned taking that situation for grant- <br /> ed that it would continue to happen on its own. Mr. Trudgeon opined that the <br /> City needed to be aware of and have funding sources set aside; suggesting that an <br /> Economic Development/Community Development Director position may be pos- <br /> sible. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the HRA Executive Director position also fit into that puz- <br /> zle. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he was not <br /> aware of any businesses moving out of Roseville due to the legislative action im- <br /> plementing the warehouse tax; even though the community had some warehouse <br /> uses in the community; and noted that one major warehouse use was slated to <br /> come into the Midtown Business Center. <br /> At the request of Councilmembers Laliberte and Willmus as to whether any busi- <br /> nesses had or planned to "go over the border" due to taxation issues; and how <br /> much square footage for warehouse/office use was currently in Roseville, City <br /> Planner Paschke advised that the information could be researched and provided to <br /> the City Council in the near future. Given any significant impacts, Councilmem- <br /> ber Laliberte advised that her question was based on whether or not the City <br /> Council wished to weigh on in any negative impacts with legislative representa- <br /> tives. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that the economic development component was important to <br /> the community, not only incentives, but retaining and allowing expansion of ex- <br /> isting businesses, and should receive more emphasis from the City's perspective. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with Mayor Roe; and suggested also finding <br /> out any problems existing businesses had with the City's current policies or in <br /> general that prevented them from flourishing and enjoying their partnership with <br /> the City and in the community. <br />