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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon concurred with Councilmember Laliberte; however, he noted his <br /> preference to provide assistance to the Human Resources function, also support- <br /> ing paid or nonpaid interns at certain times of the year or project-specific. <br /> Mayor Roe supported the intern option, specifically in the Community Develop- <br /> ment Department area as they were often more specialized offerings. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of using volunteers, specifically older <br /> residents previously trained in administrative jobs; with Mr. Trudgeon opining <br /> that this was always a possibility; however, he noted that this could be problemat- <br /> ic as the City continued evolving with electronic agenda packets and materials. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred that such an evolution would naturally be less volunteer <br /> friendly; while Mr. Trudgeon observed that it would also make the process less <br /> staff intensive. <br /> Mayor Roe observed, specific to the Communications Manager and Specialist po- <br /> sitions, that depending on the creation of future job descriptions and skills, those <br /> two may not be comparable to current classifications. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon addressed his recommendation for an Assistant to the City Manag- <br /> er, or City Clerk position, clarifying and reiterating that he did not see this or in- <br /> tend that it be an Assistant City Manager Position, but offering an elevation of the <br /> current Executive Assistant position to higher level tasks and duties. Mr. Trudg- <br /> eon advised that this was also predicated on the fact that some functions currently <br /> performed by Communications staff (e.g. record retention and data practices) <br /> should be shifted to a City Clerk role, and reclassified. Mr. Trudgeon advised that <br /> he wanted communications staff to focus on communications efforts; with the <br /> City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager position provided a higher level of poli- <br /> cy help and expertise to the City Manager, Department Heads and City Council <br /> than currently feasible. Mr. Trudgeon advised that this expansion, as detailed in <br /> his memo, would represent an expansion of current positions needing to be fund- <br /> ed by levy dollars. <br /> As an additional handout, Mr. Trudgeon provided a "Proposed Administration <br /> Department Reorganization Chain of Command;" and in response to Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte, advised that the Senior Office Assistant would be primarily <br /> supervised by the City Manager, with no time spent supervising video production <br /> assistants. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of considering an option for that func- <br /> tion to be supervised by the City's Information Technology (IT) function or by a <br /> third party, C-TV. <br />