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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18, 2013 <br /> Page 20 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte clarified and Mr. Trudgeon confirmed that his intent <br /> would ultimately be for the Senior Office Assistant to be under the supervision <br /> only to the Assistant to the City Manger/City Clerk, and not a shared direct report <br /> of that position and the Human Resources Manager. <br /> Councilmember McGehee spoke in opposition of one (1) person serving in the <br /> role of Assistant to the City Manager and City Clerk, opining that it was a two (2) <br /> person job, with the City Clerk needed to focus on documentation reporting to the <br /> City Manager and a Senior Office Assistant reporting to the Assistant to the City <br /> Manager. Based on her business experience, Councilmember McGehee opined <br /> that the positions would be a better mix even if divided from full-time. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that, by ordinance, the City Manager is the City Clerk and <br /> designates that authority as applicable. Mayor Roe further noted that the City <br /> Council should not determine the analysis of duties or responsibilities for various <br /> functions, as that was a Human Resources function. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted that there were a lot of duties listed that needed further re- <br /> finement from his initial analysis. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte suggested that whether part of the 2014 budget or even- <br /> tual reorganization, rather than a Senior Office Assistant position split between <br /> the Human Resources and Administrative function, she thought a part-time Hu- <br /> man Resources Assistant may be more prudent; and if the City Clerk position was <br /> found to be too big, at least it would provide better support overall. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that that would create more than one FTE under those two (2) <br /> positions. Recognizing that Mr. Trudgeon listed this as a future budget challenge, <br /> Mayor Roe recognized that the City Council was seeing it as a current Human Re- <br /> sources challenge as well. <br /> Councilmember Willmus spoke in support of the preliminary recommendations as <br /> laid out by Mr. Trudgeon; and suggested that another consideration for the Com- <br /> mission Task Force may be to transfer staff liaison support for the Human Rights <br /> Commission (HRC) from administration to a more collaborative effort for staff <br /> support from emergency services personnel. Councilmember Willmus opined <br /> that this would provide more opportunity for a better connection with the HRC <br /> and outreach by emergency services personnel to under-represented members of <br /> the community. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested a different option would be to combine the <br /> HRC and Civic Engagement citizen advisory opportunities under Administration <br /> as part of the face of Roseville in reaching out across the board. <br />