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City Council Meeting Minutes
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8/21/2013 9:37:33 AM
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8/21/2013 9:37:21 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 2 <br /> and defer some things long-term for approximately fifteen (15) months versus <br /> immediate needs, which will be a positive for the department overall. <br /> Shared Services <br /> Chief O'Neill advised that since changes have recently corrected themselves in <br /> the fire protection industry, there was even less interest than before by other de- <br /> partments and/or communities in moving toward shared services or departments. <br /> Therefore, while the City of Roseville's Fire Department remained interested in <br /> pursuing those options, Chief O'Neill saw no impact to the 2014 budget. <br /> Staffing <br /> Chief O'Neill noted that staffing a fire department was always a challenge, and <br /> given the many additional changes experienced by the Roseville department since <br /> its establishment sixty-eight (68) years ago, including movement from a volunteer <br /> to paid, on-call staff, in addition to EMS services, it continued to be challenging. <br /> Chief O'Neill advised that this was a positive and negative for the department as <br /> it continued to evolve; however, with the changing world and people becoming <br /> busier with work and family commitments, interest from people in serving as a <br /> firefighter, due to the extensive time, training and commitment required, remained <br /> difficult. As the industry continues to change, Chief O'Neill noted that it takes 2- <br /> 3 years for a firefighter to receive educational certification training level, before <br /> they were able to perform the required job. Chief O'Neill reminded all that this <br /> was a part-time role, usually above and beyond their regular career or student sta- <br /> tus and required a three (3) year commitment from an individual. Chief O'Neill <br /> noted that this reduces the candidate pool for the department in the long-term, es- <br /> pecially making it difficult to cover daytime and weekend shifts. Chief O'Neill <br /> advised that the department currently has 5-6 firefighters who take those shifts; <br /> and worried that if they moved onto full-time careers or out of the immediate ar- <br /> ea, it would have a direct impact on the Roseville Fire Department. <br /> Chief O'Neill noted that firefighters remained the lowest paid positions in the <br /> City of Roseville, depending on their longevity and training, not serving to attract <br /> individuals in the long-term. <br /> Emergency Medical Service(EMS) <br /> Chief O'Neill opined that the EMS service provided to the community by the de- <br /> partment was of huge benefit to the City over the last six (6) years since inception. <br /> Chief O'Neill reviewed the purpose of this service in providing first responder re- <br /> sponses to stabilize a patient until Allina arrived to transport the patient. Chief <br /> O'Neill advised that the department or the City of Roseville received no revenue <br /> for this service, as billing revenue was only available for the transporter. There- <br /> fore, Chief O'Neill noted that the City provided life saving treatment without re- <br /> couping any revenues or receiving any funding. Chief O'Neill advised that there <br /> were few ways to change that situation other than making application for MSRB <br /> to return the PSA (service area) back; which had not been terribly successful in <br />
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