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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 3 <br /> the past. Chief O'Neill noted that he only other option was to seek a change in <br /> current legislation regarding PSA's, with such Bills attempted over the last two <br /> (2) years seeking local control for the PSA, but never making it out of committee. <br /> If the City Council wished to continue exploring the transport component to bring <br /> that revenue into the City, Chief O'Neill cautioned that it would be complicated <br /> concept, with a study of one (1) year or longer to determine impacts to the City of <br /> Roseville and the region. Chief O'Neill noted that there would also be significant <br /> upfront capital costs for vehicles and equipment, along with ongoing operational <br /> costs; with revenues needing to be generated to offset those costs. Chief O'Neill <br /> advised that service levels could be predicted and expressed confidence that the <br /> department could provide above-average service to the community if it was pur- <br /> sued. <br /> In response to Councilmember Laliberte, Chief O'Neill advised that PSA liability <br /> cost determinations would be part of the feasibility study research. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Chief O'Neill clarified that 2013 budget listing of <br /> FTE's for the Fire Department at six (6), with a total of sixty-three (63) firefight- <br /> ers currently in the department; and using a 40-hour component to determine FTE <br /> status,that represented a total of 25 FTE in the department. <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned whether there was any payback for the City <br /> in providing these significant training costs for a new firefighter; also questioning <br /> what prevented an individual from receiving that training and then moving on to <br /> another department. Recognizing that the City of Roseville provided EMS and <br /> firefighter training, Councilmember McGehee asked if any service commitment <br /> was required. <br /> Chief O'Neill responded that, at this time, there was no commitment requirement <br /> or contractual obligation. Chief O'Neill noted that most of the firefighters hired <br /> within the last two (2) years came to the Roseville Fire Department for that train- <br /> ing experience, with one of the interview questions for candidates being, "What <br /> do you know about the Roseville Fire Department. Chief O'Neill noted that it is <br /> typical for a firefighter to seek that training and education allowing them to even- <br /> tually move onto a full-time career as a firefighter. Chief O'Neill advised that he <br /> had a list of those firefighters lost over the last 5-10 years; and admitted that Ro- <br /> seville provided a great training ground, but in 3-5 years it was typical that they <br /> would leave, creating a continual revolving door for the Roseville Department to <br /> address. <br /> Chief O'Neill advised that the current staffing included twenty-nine (29) fire- <br /> fighters with less than three (3) years in training mode, a number that he was ag- <br /> gressively attempting to reduce. Chief O'Neill advised that the department typi- <br /> cally hired on an annual basis; however, he advised that it was not good timing <br />