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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18, 2013 <br /> Page 8 <br /> annual cost of $12,800 per firefighter for a total of $73,080. While he had at- <br /> tempted to identify both the pros and cons for each option, Chief O'Neill advised <br /> that this would offset costs of the Health Care Reform Act and serve as the first <br /> step in providing shift stability. Chief O'Neill offered to discuss any or all op- <br /> tions over the next few months at the direction of the City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that, which Mr. Trudgeon duly noted, a tentative time be sched- <br /> uled for such a discussion early in 2014, preferably in the first quarter, to further <br /> discuss all options, rather than deferring a discussion too close to the 2015 budget <br /> timing in mid 2014. <br /> Regarding how the EMS component best fit, Chief O'Neill noted that the De- <br /> partment's Strategic Plan had considered a future feasibility study for the <br /> transport component. While no funding had been identified for such a study in <br /> the 2014 budget, Chief O'Neill asked for City Council direction if they had any <br /> interest in pursuing such a study, if not tonight, as a future point of discussion if <br /> there was any interest in the study and/or in identifying a funding source. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill provided an overview <br /> and estimate of projected maintenance and utility costs for the new fire station <br /> (e.g. heat, cooling, lighting, etc.); and those costs for remaining stations as well. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that from a net cost factor, the City would continue paying for <br /> both fire station facilities for the near future at a minimum; at which point, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee revised her request for specifics for the new building. <br /> In planning for the new station and cost projections, Chief O'Neill advised that <br /> the intent was to look at the best way to provide service with the full objective to <br /> reduce or consolidate costs while increasing service to the community. Chief <br /> O'Neill concurred with Mayor Roe's comment, noting that planning included Fire <br /> Station#2 continuing to be maintained under City control and Fire Administration <br /> located in the lower level of City Hall in the short-term. <br /> Upon completion of the new station, Chief O'Neill advised that those activities <br /> currently housed in four (4) separate spaces would be consolidated into one build- <br /> ing. Therefore, Chief O'Neill noted that no additional maintenance or utility <br /> funds had been requested for 2014, since all components would be new compared <br /> to existing 50-80 year old buildings; and smaller repair costs anticipated. Howev- <br /> er, Chief O'Neill estimated that there could be the potential for additional clean- <br /> ing costs; with attempts being made to offset repair fund allocations to address <br /> those additional cleaning costs. Referencing the White Group report on the build- <br /> ing, Chief O'Neill noted that at this time, he only had estimates —not actual — for <br /> utilities at the new building with geothermal components and energy efficiencies <br /> built in. Based on those estimates, Chief O'Neill advised that for the 2014 budg- <br /> et, utility costs had been reduced by 17% based on the White Group study; how- <br />