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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,July 18,2013 <br /> Page 9 <br /> ever, while being optimistic in the accuracy of those projections, Chief O'Neill <br /> cautioned that White Group study were estimates and not actual. Chief O'Neill <br /> anticipated savings for overall utility costs over the current operating budget. <br /> Chief O'Neill advised that the construction had anticipated a building with a min- <br /> imum 50-year life expectancy. However, even though the facility and systems <br /> were expected to be reliable and durable, Chief O'Neill observed that the building <br /> would be operating 24/7 with 60 to 70 people coming and going. Chief O'Neill <br /> advised that the building had been built with the understanding that there was lit- <br /> tle built into the current Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) over the next twenty <br /> (20) years for replacement of building items; with those costs identified in the ten <br /> (10) year building CIP at $20,000 annually. Chief O'Neill stated that it was im- <br /> portant for the department to do its part in recognition of the confidence and sup- <br /> port the community had given in constructing this new facility. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill confirmed that the <br /> building had separate meters for utilities other than the pump currently at the skat- <br /> ing center for pushing water through the geothermal system. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill advised that he had <br /> not yet discussed with Public Works Director Schwartz a schedule for the Fire <br /> Department's data entry and implementation in the Asset Management software <br /> program, since he had been so involved in the construction process for the new <br /> facility. However, while not having started the process yet, Chief O'Neill antici- <br /> pated it as a project over the coming winter months. Councilmember McGehee <br /> encouraged Chief O'Neill to make that a high priority. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Chief O'Neill clarified the 2013 budget numbers <br /> that included City and State property taxes for the Relief Association and includ- <br /> ing both the City contribution minus the pass-through amount. <br /> Police Department <br /> Police Chief Rick Mathwig distributed a handout outlining his presentation. Po- <br /> lice Lt. Erica Scheider was also present on behalf of the department. <br /> Chief Mathwig commended Police Department personnel, noting that they chased <br /> greatness and perfection daily based on their commitment and as part of their val- <br /> ue statement developed three (3) years ago, and provided as page 1 of the bench <br /> handout: service to the community, integrity, respect and innovation. Represent- <br /> ing 87% of the Police Department budget, Chief Mathwig noted that Police em- <br /> ployees were the department's greatest asset, but also were a large extended fami- <br /> ly. Chief Mathwig used a graphic indicting the stresses felt in the department due <br /> to limited staff and resources; opining that any movement backwards would se- <br /> verely and negatively affect the department and their service to the community. <br />