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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/21/2013 9:45:49 AM
Creation date
8/21/2013 9:45:30 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 22, 2013 <br /> Page 12 <br /> Recognizing additional property owners in the audience, Mayor Roe invited their <br /> participation in the discussion as well. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe regarding the 1033 process, Mr. Trudgeon responded <br /> that in the past there had been a property owner looking for voluntary condemna- <br /> tion of their property for their financial benefit due to the spread of the capital <br /> gain of the sale over several years; however, the City Council had voted that re- <br /> quest down at that time. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the request had been in 2007 <br /> for the Dorso property; with the City not having any condemnation plans, and the <br /> City Council having not appetite for proceeding. Mr. Trudgeon advised that there <br /> had been some condemnation proceedings in 2005, which had been concluded, <br /> but noted that there was nothing occurring at this point. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that, if the City Council remained not interested in provid- <br /> ing that benefit, they may need a policy discussion on how to address or promote <br /> other financial tools and options. <br /> Mr. Foster continued to support the 1033 option for properties always under the <br /> threat of condemnation in the Twin Lakes area, and how those properties could be <br /> defined from a legal standpoint, whether voluntary or non-voluntary. Mr. Foster <br /> advised that he was aware of two (2) property owners currently wanting to sell, <br /> but not wanting to go through the 1031 process; and suggested the City consider <br /> looking at the 1033 option to assist those property owners. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte questioned the process for Metro Transit to condemn <br /> the Old Dominion property and how that happened; and whether it could happen <br /> elsewhere. <br /> Mr. Walston advised that it had been a friendly condemnation as the site had been <br /> identified for the Park & Ride facility at the same time proposals came forward <br /> for the Old Dominion and Extra Lease sites; so a parcel for the Park &Ride facili- <br /> ty had been carved out of the proposed hotel site at that time, with a negotiated <br /> condemnation and both projects proceeding on separate tracks. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that it also involved federal funding that drove the timeline; <br /> opining that when there was a deadline for receiving money, things could happen <br /> quickly. <br /> Councilmember McGehee asked that Mr. Trudgeon address current focus and di- <br /> rection for the Twin Lakes area in general. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon responded that the focus has been to the west side of Fairview Av- <br /> enue, with no movement or interest at all for the east side. Mr. Trudgeon advised <br /> that staff continued to struggle with businesses wanting to continue to operate and <br />
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