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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/21/2013 9:45:49 AM
Creation date
8/21/2013 9:45:30 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 22,2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> turnover, and was working on options that could allow businesses to transition at <br /> some point, even if they were not there yet, without necessarily saying that they <br /> could no longer operate there. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff's goal was to <br /> make sure the area remained vibrant until properties were ready to turn over and <br /> not be a group of vacant buildings or properties. Mr. Trudgeon advised that it <br /> was vital for staff that there not be a repeat of the truck terminals and vacancies <br /> on that east side. If not feasible for a CMU zoning designation, Mr. Trudgeon <br /> suggested a way for a property owner to come to the City Council seeking a way <br /> to make that transition. Mr. Trudgeon clarified that there was no direct plan for <br /> the City to purchase land anywhere in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area or <br /> east of Fairview Avenue; but that the intent was to let the market dictate devel- <br /> opment along with property owners based on the economy. <br /> Mr. Zwebber advised that he had experience with 1031's and opined that they <br /> were an interesting tool. At the time of his purchase of the property, and with <br /> staff advising that it would end up in the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area, Mr. <br /> Zwebber opined that he had considered it a positive that they would probably end <br /> up doing a 1031 process. By allowing additional time for the City Council to fa- <br /> cilitate such an option, Mr. Zwebber opined that he had no problem with that po- <br /> tential; and opined that it remained of interest to him. <br /> Beyond identifying funding mechanisms and creating a Task Force/Consortium, <br /> Mayor Roe sought developer input on any other things the City could to facilitate <br /> development. <br /> Mr. Foster, recognizing that Roseville was in a key location, opined that it made <br /> a difference in how the City reached out or talked to other businesses. Mr. Foster <br /> opined that there was absolutely no reason why businesses should not locate in <br /> Roseville if there was an active outreach process. <br /> As part of this conversation, Mayor Roe advised that a goal was to get communi- <br /> cation and outreach started; and expressed his pleasure in developer interest on <br /> the east side as well. Mayor Roe assured developers that the City Council was <br /> open to working on permitted uses or serving as a facilitator, and not being an im- <br /> pediment to development. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted recent amendment made to the City's zoning spe- <br /> cifically adding the Regional Business-2 designation; and suggested that develop- <br /> ers provide additional information on perspective venues or how CMU may not fit <br /> their needs/uses going forward. If there were such cased, Councilmember <br /> Willmus expressed his interest in reviewing specific situations Councilmember <br /> Willmus also asked developers to comment on whether or not completion of Twin <br /> Lakes Parkway spurred their development/interest. <br />
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