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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 12,2013 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Member Becker prepared a brief outreach presentation of the HRC's recent activi- <br /> ties and accomplishments since last meeting jointly with the City Council; and <br /> their 2013-2014 Work Plan and issues they wished to discuss with the City Coun- <br /> cil at tonight's meeting. <br /> Activities <br /> Items included the "Culture Fest" spearheaded by Youth Commissioner Joan Dao <br /> who provided a synopsis of the event in making the community more aware of di- <br /> versity with its various ethnic populations; and taking advantage of Rosefest to <br /> highlight those cultures present in Roseville. <br /> Member Becker reviewed collaborative events between the Roseville HRC and <br /> the Cities of Maplewood and Shoreview HRC's. <br /> Another highlight of the year was the New American Forums co-sponsored and <br /> co-hosted by the HRC and the Roseville Police Department. <br /> From his perspective, Chair Grefenberg stated that the Karen Forums were for <br /> him the most fulfilling programs in which he had ever participated; opining that <br /> those doing the most learning were not the Karen community participants, but <br /> him as the HRC Chair, and representatives of the City's Police and Fire Depart- <br /> ments. Even though there were challenges, Chair Grefenberg opined that the abil- <br /> ity to connect with this group was evident and stressed the important of making <br /> them feel a valid part of the community. Chair Grefenberg noted that his desire <br /> was to follow-up with additional meetings with the Karen community to find ad- <br /> ditional ways to achieve their full participation in the community. <br /> Member Becker highlighted the annual Student Essay Contest that had been reas- <br /> sessed and procedures/scoring revised this year, with over 190 essays being <br /> turned in. <br /> Member Becker recognized his personal pride and that of the HRC in the activi- <br /> ties and involvement of HRC Youth Commissioners at Roseville High School; <br /> and noted the HRC's involvement in the annual Rosefest Parade, participation in <br /> various task forces, including the Civic Engagement Task Force and formal <br /> presentation of those results to the City Council last fall, with subsequent in- <br /> volvement with the City's Website Redesign Consultant Selection Committee. <br /> Accomplishments <br /> Of the accomplishments listed in their written report, Chair Grefenberg opined <br /> that outreach remained the most significant issue. Chair Grefenberg recognized <br /> that the HRC's visibility had been improving throughout the community with var- <br /> ious outreach efforts, as duly noted in the number of applicants for the last two <br /> openings on the HRC. Chair Grefenberg noted opportunities provided through <br /> the efforts of Roseville resident Megan Dushin for grant funds to create a safe and <br />