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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 12, 2013 <br /> Page 17 <br /> connected community; local press coverage pre- and post-event; and improved <br /> collaboration of the HRC and the Police Department and its Community Relations <br /> Officer, and with Roseville School District No. 623. <br /> Work Plan Items for 2013-2014/Discussion Items <br /> Chair Grefenberg advised that the first seven (7) items included in the written out- <br /> line for tonight's meeting were adopted from the 2013-2014 Strategic Plan ap- <br /> proved last spring and updated on July 8 in preparation for tonight's meeting; <br /> with the remaining items (8 — 9) representing preliminary opportunities continu- <br /> ing for the remainder of 2013 and into 2014. Chair Grefenberg sought City <br /> Council comment and direction on these work plan items specific to the HRC. <br /> As part of the future work plan, Chair Grefenberg spoke to the HRC's research on <br /> possibly pursuing the City of Falcon Heights model for "Advocates for Human <br /> Rights — Community Conversations." Chair Grefenberg opined that this would <br /> be consistent with the Imagine Roseville 2025 policy to welcome new members <br /> of the community. Chair Grefenberg sought comment from the City Council on <br /> whether or not the HRC should get involved in immigration reform; and which is- <br /> sues should remain under the auspices of the HRC if and when a Civic Engage- <br /> ment Commission was created <br /> As noted in written comments, Chair Grefenberg advocated for additional staff <br /> support commensurate with the level of support the City provides to other com- <br /> missions. With the appointment of the Interim City Manager, Chair Grefenberg <br /> opined that things had improved, and expressed his confidence that they would <br /> continue to improve in the future. However, Chair Grefenberg noted that with the <br /> HRC members being spread so thin, one answer would be for more pro-active <br /> staff support. Considering the low energy and sustainable way to promote pro- <br /> grams, Chair Grefenberg advised that it was difficult to maintain those same en- <br /> ergy levels for commissioners; and therefore strongly advocated for the City <br /> Council's creation of a Civic Engagement Commission to implement the sixty <br /> (60) proposed implementation points from the formal report of the Task Force <br /> presented in the fall of 2012; and how those points should be prioritized, whether <br /> as a separate commission as recommended by the Task Force or as part of the <br /> HRC's charge. <br /> From his personal perspective, Chair Grefenberg supported the City Council be- <br /> ing open to going outside the box occasionally. <br /> Discussion with the City Council <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the feedback expressed by individual Councilmembers of- <br /> fered their individual perspectives, but cautioned that those perspectives may dif- <br /> fer from an ultimate City Council consensus required for actions moving forward. <br />