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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 12,2013 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Councilmember McGehee applauded the positive accomplishments of the HRC <br /> over the last year as evidenced by their written list of accomplishments. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee opined that items 1 — 4 (lines 37 — 44 of the RCA) of the <br /> 2013 Work Plan were of the most significance to her, and expressed her interest <br /> in seeing more of that type of effort, not only from the HRC but from other com- <br /> missions and interests as well. Councilmember McGehee opined that the HRC <br /> was but one leg of Civic Engagement, a very broad and nebulous definition, with <br /> the goal to engage, inform, and interact with the community through lots of dif- <br /> ferent parts and areas of interest, such as through different forums. Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee stated that she was very impressed with the HRC points, and that <br /> they served to exactly represent the HRC's work over the last few years. <br /> Specific to the Culture Fest, Councilmember McGehee suggested the addition of <br /> games and music for each culture, in addition to food; and to maintain some au- <br /> tonomy of the Culture Fest within the larger Rosefest activities to avoid it being <br /> buried in that. Councilmember McGehee suggested that the HRC work with the <br /> Parks & Recreation Commission to make the Culture Fest a centerpiece, but still <br /> be a part of the overall Roseville events. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte thanked the HRC for their great work; and referenced <br /> her attendance and favorable impression with the second community dialogue, <br /> opining that it was a great event, and one that could stimulate a lot of things based <br /> on that good conversation. Councilmember Laliberte noted that one area ad- <br /> dressed from that dialogue included working with "thought leaders" in each <br /> group. Councilmember Laliberte opined that a benefit of ideas coming from the <br /> HRC as part of their charge, and as members of the Civic Engagement Task Force <br /> as well as the HRC, was that there were other commissions who were not as close <br /> to the issues, but who could also benefit as well from those ideas. From her per- <br /> sonal perspective, Councilmember Laliberte stated that she would like to see a <br /> separate Civic Engagement Commission and renewed focus for the City; but rec- <br /> ognized that the City Council as a whole would need to discuss it further going <br /> forward. <br /> As part of a City Council Subcommittee, with Councilmember McGehee, to re- <br /> view all advisory commissions, Councilmember Laliberte alerted the HRC that a <br /> survey would be forthcoming from that Subcommittee to all current advisory <br /> commissions seeking their feedback. <br /> Chair Grefenberg suggested that the Subcommittee meet with the Civic Engage- <br /> ment Task Force to gain a sense of the issues raised and rationale for implementa- <br /> tion recommendations for representation from all three (2) standing commissions <br /> to retain the synergy found in the Task Force and ensuring that the progress would <br /> continue. Chair Grefenberg noted that one of the frustrations expressed by the <br /> Task Force was in the delay of nine (9) months since the study recommendations <br /> were presented to the City Council without any subsequent action. <br />