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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 12, 2013 <br /> Page 23 <br /> sion at this time. Councilmember McGehee opined that it was the job of all resi- <br /> dents and city government to perform those civic engagement efforts; since the <br /> job was better accomplished when people are drawn together by a common <br /> thread. Councilmember McGehee opined that the efforts of the Civic Engage- <br /> ment Task Force were very useful and had brought many things forward, some of <br /> which had already been implemented and others in the process; and had brought <br /> out the need for more methods for community outreach necessary for all commis- <br /> sioners in their respective commissions, as well as on the part of staff and the City <br /> Council. As part of the proposed Administration Department reorganization and <br /> review and reconsideration of all commissions and a recommendation by the Sub- <br /> committee, Councilmember McGehee suggested that engagement of different as- <br /> pects of the community be a goal of the entire community and residents, not just <br /> commissioners. Councilmember McGehee suggested that more community in- <br /> volvement and fewer commissions was her preference, while recognizing that the <br /> City had a good base of Commissions; and expressed her appreciation and respect <br /> of their respective efforts. Councilmember McGehee reiterated her appreciation <br /> of the initial work of the Civic Engagement Task Force and their formal report <br /> that already initiated some things, and led the way to improved community out- <br /> reach. Councilmember McGehee also seconded Mayor Roe's comment on the <br /> need to celebrate all of the City's various ethnic groups. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he would defer his comments on his personal preferences <br /> related to a Civic Engagement Commission until he heard the recommendations <br /> of the Subcommittee; admitting that he was uncommitted at this time. Mayor Roe <br /> stated that while he saw some merit to having two commissions, he remained un- <br /> sure of their specific workloads or tasks. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the HRC for their attendance tonight and the good discussion; <br /> and for the benefit of the public, Chair Grefenberg provided contact information <br /> for the HRC. <br /> 11. Public Hearings <br /> 12. Budget Items <br /> 13. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Approve Set of Preliminary Park Plans <br /> Parks & Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke and Park Superintendent Jeff Even- <br /> son were present for tonight's presentation, along with Michael Schroeder, LHB <br /> Consultants. <br /> Mr. Brokke provided a brief overview of tonight's presentation, as detailed in the <br /> RCA dated August 12, 2013; for presentation of the third set of preliminary plans <br />