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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, August 12, 2013 <br /> Page 22 <br /> In line with Councilmember Etten's comments, Mayor Roe noted that the HRC <br /> has control over the number of programs it undertook; and the result that the more <br /> programs undertaken, the more the HRC needed to seek the assistance of outside <br /> groups or communities when other resources were available to tap into. While <br /> agreeing that staffs liaison support could be there, Mayor Roe noted that given the <br /> leanness of the entire City organization, he was not sure how much staff support <br /> was realistic or reasonable. Mayor Roe expressed his personal preference for <br /> seeking available models to take advantage of opportunities for collaboration ver- <br /> sus reinventing things; and suggested that the HRC determine and prioritize their <br /> programs and topics, and do them well and right while resisting the temptation to <br /> try to do everything. Mayor Roe reiterated his preference for emphasizing part- <br /> nerships. Mayor Roe expressed his support of utilizing current models and re- <br /> sources in HRC efforts; and offered his personal time and for making opening <br /> remarks at any of the HRC events as applicable. <br /> Specific to the Culture Fest as part of Rosefest, Mayor Roe expressed his support <br /> of that effort. Mayor Roe referenced his recent attendance at Roseville's Sloveni- <br /> an Consulate and suggested involving them in Culture Fest activities and events <br /> as well, offering to provide his contact information for this community group. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the HRC involve not only newer immigrant communi- <br /> ties to learn more about their cultures, but also to remember that part of the diver- <br /> sity of Roseville includes second generation ethnic groups as well. <br /> In looking to ways to get programs and events televised, Mayor Roe suggested <br /> that the HRC connect directly with volunteers at C-TV and/or get involved <br /> through Members or Youth Commissioners in C-TV's video production programs <br /> to get the message out and provide educational opportunities with this great com- <br /> munity resource. <br /> Specific to immigration reform, from his personal perspective, Mayor Roe stated <br /> that he would support educational forums about the issue. However, for an issue <br /> that would be decided on by an entirely different level of government, Mayor <br /> Roe did not think that the City Council needed to take a position; and expressed <br /> his personal resistance to doing so. Mayor Roe reiterated his support of educa- <br /> tional efforts in assisting residents to participate in the national level debates as <br /> appropriate. <br /> Councilmember McGehee concurred with the comments of Mayor Roe regarding <br /> immigration reform; and suggested an educational forum by other members of the <br /> community, not necessarily put on by the HRC, but with the HRC possibly <br /> providing or finding a meeting venue for such an educational program. <br /> Specific to Councilmember Etten's comments on those outline items falling under <br /> the auspices of a Civic Engagement Task Force versus the HRC, Councilmember <br /> McGehee stated that she did not support a separate Civic Engagement Commis- <br />