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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 12, 2013 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe concurred with Councilmember McGehee, suggesting that the City <br /> pause before any additional considerations. <br /> Mr. Miller advised that staff would relay that information to the IT Department, <br /> and look at September or October of 2013 to initiate those policy discussions. <br /> Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, approval of a Joint Powers Agreement (At- <br /> tachment A) between the City of Roseville and the City of Birchwood Village for <br /> the purpose of providing IP Telephony Services; and a Joint Powers Agreement <br /> providing for an extension of management information services and support (At- <br /> tachment B). <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 9. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> a. Adopt an Ordinance Amending Section 1102.01, Procedure of the Subdivi- <br /> sions Chapter of Roseville City Code to Create an Open House Requirement <br /> for Land Divisions of four (4) of more Lots of Parcels <br /> City Planner Thomas Paschke briefly summarized the Request for Text Amend- <br /> ments to require open houses for land divisions of four or more lots or parcels, as <br /> detailed in the RCA dated August 12, 2013. <br /> On page 1 of the draft ordinance (Attachment B), line 39, Councilmember McGe- <br /> hee questioned the rationale for using "volunteer" in identifying the list of at- <br /> tendees that the developer would keep and submit with their open house sum- <br /> mary. Councilmember McGehee suggested that if the list is not required, the <br /> word "volunteer" should be struck; or if kept in, changed to "voluntary." <br /> Councilmember Etten and Mayor Roe suggested the term "voluntary" versus <br /> "volunteer" list; with Mayor Roe noting that this would seem to be consistent <br /> with discussion from the Planning Commission meeting related to "encouraging" <br /> those attending to provide their names and addresses for the record. <br /> Councilmembers Willmus and Laliberte opined that the language suggested by <br /> Councilmember McGehee provided better clarity. <br /> Councilmember McGehee further stated that she preferred that the open house re- <br /> quirement apply to any subdivision over three (3); with Mayor Roe clarifying that <br /> the Council majority had agreed for application of four(4) or more lots. <br />