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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 12, 2013 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mr. Miller opined that any time later this year or early next year would be feasi- <br /> ble; noting the number of policy implications in doing this and recognizing that <br /> any City Council changes will impact twenty-nine (29) other cities. Mr. Miller <br /> asked that the City Council body proceed cautiously and not make any policy de- <br /> cision lightly without reflecting on how and why the business model works for <br /> Roseville and other cities; and has been successful for the last fifteen (15) years. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested policy discussions be held later this year and early next <br /> year; with information provided by staff as part of that discussion on price points, <br /> comparables in the marketplace, and other items of interest for that discussion. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated that he was agreeable to looking at the broader mar- <br /> ket to see where the City of Roseville's business model fit in providing these In- <br /> formation Technology (IT) services to other communities and agencies. Howev- <br /> er, he noted that his concern in reviewing the business model was that require- <br /> ments being made of the City of Roseville's IT staff was no longer sustainable <br /> long-term; and at some point the model needed revised. Councilmember Etten <br /> supported a policy discussion over the next six (6) months, allowing time to get <br /> back to other cities as they reviewed their budgets. Councilmember Etten sug- <br /> gested that the purpose of the discussion should be to look at the long-term <br /> framework to continue providing the high level of services to other communities <br /> and Roseville by quality staff, without straining that staff resource. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that this was Councilmember Willmus' intent as well; that <br /> funding be sustainable and competitive with the marketplace; and how both of <br /> those pieces balance each other and support the business model. <br /> Councilmember Willmus asked Mr. Miller if, the City Council supported action <br /> tonight for these agreements with the City of Birchwood Village, would the City <br /> Council as a body support holding off entering into any other JPA's until after <br /> the policy discussion was held. <br /> Mr. Miller responded that he didn't think this would negatively impact anything, <br /> as there was only one other entity currently in discussion at this time, as he had <br /> previously noted. At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Miller clarified that tonight's <br /> requested action would continue to be serviced within the current staffing plan <br /> and not require additional staff. However, Mr. Miller did note that one (1) addi- <br /> tional position had been authorized by the consortium of all cities but had yet to <br /> come before the City Council for approval until Roseville staff worked out addi- <br /> tional operational logistics and further due diligence had been considered. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her preference to authorize staff to proceed <br /> with this request, and possibly the additional one mentioned by Mr. Miller of sim- <br /> ilar size; but no more until after the policy discussion had taken place. <br />