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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/9/2013 10:12:48 AM
Creation date
9/9/2013 10:12:30 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 19,2013 <br /> Page 14 <br /> Mr. Miller expressed his caution to make that determination across the board, not- <br /> ing that each Department Head reviewed their specific department budget and <br /> forecasted based on actual amounts; but offered to provide the information to the <br /> best of his ability. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Miller advised that projections <br /> given in April of 2013 had proven accurate with the revised market value changes <br /> for the community made available just last week from Ramsey County, indicating <br /> a 1.3% increase in tax base based on the City's total market value. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee for the next discussion, she requested <br /> that staff provide information on their recommended increases to business licens- <br /> es and fees; as well as how those rates compared to other comparable communi- <br /> ties. Councilmember McGehee opined that with the City increasing utility fees in <br /> recent years, any additional cost for permit fees amounted to an additional tax on <br /> residents; and should be identified accordingly rather than listed as an additional <br /> revenue source without recognizing those full implications. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that while staff could determine how much fees were antic- <br /> ipated to change from 2013 to 2014 as its annual exercise in reviewing the overall <br /> fee structure every November, it would take considerable staff time to research <br /> comparables with other communities. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he was not try- <br /> ing to resist providing that additional information; however, in setting Roseville <br /> fees, the determination was based on the costs for performing those services, not <br /> comparing to neighboring communities, but attempting to cover the actual costs <br /> for the City. Mr. Trudgeon noted that while those comparables didn't factor into <br /> the fee structure, it was certainly important for staff to be aware of that infor- <br /> mation to remain competitive (e.g. recreational services and programs); however, <br /> building permit fees were based on the valuation to cover processing costs. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon offered to provide projected as much information on fee recommenda- <br /> tions for 2014 by the next meeting, he was not sure if all of the information would <br /> be readily available by then. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified for Councilmembers that fees supporting the Community <br /> Development Department (e.g. building, land use applications, etc.) were budget- <br /> ed within the department as anticipated costs and associated fees to cover those <br /> costs, adjusted as indicated. However, Mayor Roe noted that none of those fees <br /> had any impact on the annual tax levy; with the fees addressed during tonight's <br /> presentation including business, pet, court fines and law enforcement costs; and <br /> didn't represent a significant amount of revenue in general. <br /> Mr. Miller concurred, noting that in the context of the overall General Fund, the <br /> City could not legally profit from imparting regulatory fees; and further noted that <br /> he didn't expect a lot of relief in those fees. <br />
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